
Retired educators news

Foxcroft Academy to hold ‘Take Charge of Your Future’ event

‘Honor Rocks’ hike through the 100-Mile Wilderness recognizes those who served

SeDoMoCha Elementary families will be finding their way through ‘Lost on a Mountain in Maine’ together with One Book, One School

$10.8M RSU 68 budget assessments set for four district towns

Science teacher honored as PCSWCD’s Outstanding Conservation Educator of the Year

SAD 4 and AOS 94 to explore cost sharing for next year

PCES students Jump Rope for Heart
Officials examining idea of combined high school to serve much of region
SAD 41 and Atkinson to commence withdrawal negotiations

‘Family Fun Fridays’ bring parents into the classroom
‘Meet Your Area Legislator Night’ Dec. 12

SAD 4 residents approve near $6.88 million budget

History comes alive for SeDoMoCha Middle School archaeologists