
Summer is a big deal at Thompson Free Library

Songwriters in the Round 2

$11M SAD 41 budget moved to June 29 referendum

Calendar of events

Observer Building Museum opens June 24

Wayside Grange & Theatre cooking up Sunday brunch, open mic

Maine DOE launches ‘Hot Lunch Summer’ to provide children with nutritious meals

‘To Look Through the Chalkman’s Eye’ exhibition

Contra dances return to Monson on June 24

Cannon chosen as winner of Piscataquis Observer’s annual Find the Whoopie Pie Contest

Guilford Memorial Library Summer Reading Program kickoff

Calendar of events

New Monson Arts exhibit combines painting and poetry

Puritan Medical Products will be exhibiting at 2023 ASM Microbe, AACC Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo

UMaine Extension 4-H offers hands-on workshops during summer learning series

Guilford UMC Vacation Bible School