5 years ago When I choose silence I have wonderful neighbors here in Guilford. We don’t always agree about politics. That’s OK. But for me President Donald Trump’s words are personal. I am American, born and raised. My father was not so lucky -- refugees from Hungary, his family came here with nothing but hope. Like many “white” Americans -- Irish, French Canadian, Italian, the list goes on -- we were the “wrong type” of immigrant at the time. Although I consider talking about this with my neighbors, usually I choose not to.
5 years ago Say no to ranked-choice voting petition The Maine Republican Party is paying an out-of-state signature collection firm $400,000 to gather 63,067 valid signatures by a June 15 deadline. They even managed to have paid signature collectors designated as “essential workers” during the coronavirus pandemic.
5 years ago Dirty politics alive and well in rural Maine Think dirty politics happens only at the national level? Think again it’s alive and well right here in rural Maine. I refer to the letter by Andy Torbett published this week on the Piscataquis Observer website. Of course, it’s hard to tell if Torbett wrote the letter or if Sen. Paul Davis wrote it. Since Davis hired Torbett to write letters the last time I ran against him and even reported it on his ethics reports as a campaign expense. This letter is just the latest example of the half-truths and outright falsehoods we have endured for years from the Davis camp.
5 years ago About that letter I have waited for several weeks, in a vain hope against reality, for Doug Thomas to show some modicum of integrity and honesty to clarify just exactly what was meant by the supposed “letter of endorsement” from Gov. LePage.
5 years ago What Guilford visit says about Trump Everything we need to know about our president is wrapped up in the simple story that all of the swabs produced in Guilford on the day of his visit had to be destroyed. Why? Potentially because our role model in chief decided not to wear a mask.
5 years ago The beginning of a new world Here we find ourselves at an historical tipping point under questionable leadership right in the middle of a deadly pandemic. We could be forgiven for burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the light of day. In fact, many people are trying to do just that, however, the noise from the streets is insistent.
5 years ago What matters? While sheltering in place, I have more time to brood over what is causing me so much anxiety and sadness which I feel the need to share. What occupies my mind are concerns about whether the virus will infect family and friends. I find myself thinking about and praying for all the people suffering from the virus and for all those courageous citizens providing services to their neighbors and countrymen/women. But my anxiety and sadness is more deeply rooted.
5 years ago Trump’s visit to Guilford Loudspeakers kept blasting out Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A” while the crowd screamed the refrain with delirious enthusiasm. What could be more thematic than a “Make America Great” theme song? But how many of you have listened to the lyrics? I
5 years ago Enjoying the Appalachian Trail The Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC) would like to thank Aislinn Sarnacki for her recent Act Out article on safely enjoying the Appalachian Trail (AT) this summer and getting the word out to a broader audience. As the management resource for Maine’s section of the AT, we would like to reinforce on a couple of points.
5 years ago Standing up against violence Recently, a gentleman in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania encouraged his community to stand up against violence. They gathered in front of a Target store and prevented violent protesters from entering and looting this store.
5 years ago Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for Trump’s photo op I read earlier this week about President Trump coming to Maine with little advance warning for the state, against our governor’s wishes during a pandemic, and potentially at significant cost to taxpayers in Maine. I hate to disabuse the residents of Guilford, but this does not seem to be a compassionate trip by him to praise factory workers making swabs, but rather a campaign strategy for which he is willing to create havoc, act in unsafe ways, and create a financial burden for Maine (that is not reimbursed by the federal government) just to have a photo op.
5 years ago Support for Sen. Davis in upcoming primary Please support Sen. Paul Davis for the Maine Senate in the upcoming primary. He has done a lot for his community and his understanding of the process of government and record of bipartisanship is stellar. He works well and effectively across the aisle if you will, and gets things accomplished.
5 years ago President Trump continues to deliver With the news that President Donald Trump is visiting Puritan Medical Products in Guilford, I felt it was important to highlight the phenomenal work he has done fighting for Maine throughout this pandemic.
5 years ago Boycott Trump visit In the June 2 BDN article concerning Trump’s visit to Guilford on Friday, Gov. Janet Mills is quoted as asking him to tone down his rhetoric and not foment “seeds of distrust.” She also stated that his visit could cause “security problems.”
5 years ago A message to the president Please fellow citizens, when President Trump visits Maine, stay at home. It is the very best way to send a message to him.
5 years ago Healing, not grandstanding I need to express my concern regarding Trump’s planned visit to Guilford, Maine. I am afraid the visit will bring out some of the worst elements seen in much of the protests in recent days.
5 years ago Blessed are the peacemakers I don’t know what President Trump was trying to accomplish Monday evening when he ordered federal officers to disperse with tear gas and flash grenades peaceful protestors exercising their First Amendment rights of free speech and peaceable assembly so that he could walk over to historic St. John’s Episcopal church for a photo op. What struck me was how small and alone he looked standing on the broad sidewalk in front of the church.