Letters to the Editor
5 years ago
Reelect Sen. Davis  
My purpose in writing today is simply to give my whole hearted support to Sen. Paul Davis’ re-election.  Having previously served in the Senate seat that Paul now holds I know how important Paul’s  personal qualities and leadership style are to his constituents.  Paul is a man of great integrity and honesty who has strived mightily and with great success to represent the people of his district without regard to political affiliation or other demographic.
5 years ago
When I choose silence 
I have wonderful neighbors here in Guilford. We don’t always agree about politics. That’s OK. But for me President Donald Trump’s words are personal. I am American, born and raised. My father was not so lucky -- refugees from Hungary, his family came here with nothing but hope. Like many “white” Americans -- Irish, French Canadian, Italian, the list goes on -- we were the “wrong type” of immigrant at the time. Although I consider talking about this with my neighbors, usually I choose not to.
5 years ago
Dirty politics alive and well in rural Maine
Think dirty politics happens only at the national level? Think again it’s alive and well right here in rural Maine. I refer to the letter by Andy Torbett published this week on the Piscataquis Observer website. Of course, it’s hard to tell if Torbett wrote the letter or if Sen. Paul Davis wrote it. Since Davis hired Torbett to write letters the last time I ran against him and even reported it on his ethics reports as a campaign expense. This letter is just the latest example of the half-truths and outright falsehoods we have endured for years from the Davis camp.
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