2 years ago Maine needs a strong paid family and medical leave program To the Editor; I live in Milo, where I own and operate a small trucking business.
2 years ago Protect elderly and disabled Mainers To the Editor; Maine law requires that medical, mental health, and social services personnel immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services when the provider knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected or that a suspicious child death has occurred.
2 years ago Telehealth only works with high-speed internet To the Editor; For many, telehealth has been a revelation since the onset of the pandemic with its usage increasing by 38 times its pre-pandemic levels.
2 years ago Wildfire impact To the Editor; Reports that much of Maine is at high risk for wildfires are reminder that it is not just humans’ lives and homes that are threatened.
2 years ago Day of Atonement To the Editor; During the month of May most will have visited and decorated the graves of loved ones who have passed.
2 years ago Legislature was right to close out of state waste loophole To the Editor; The fact is Casella Waste had been profiting by filling Maine’s landfill with bulky waste imported from other states.
2 years ago Democrats passed a responsible state budget To the Editor; The recent column by Matt Gagnon arguing that Republicans should walk away from budget negotiations is misguided and does a disservice to Mainers.
2 years ago Donald Trump thinks Americans like me are the problem To the Editor; I don’t know why I’m still in disbelief but last week Donald Trump said that “the greatest threat to Western Civilization today is not Russia.
2 years ago The rest of us need a day off from hunting To the Editor; Are hunters in Maine not willing to give “the rest of us” one day a week to walk in the woods? To walk our companion canines without threats of arrow impalement? From the Bangor Daily News on March 17, “Legislation would allow bow hunting on Sundays.
2 years ago Thoughtful abortion legislation is possible To the Editor; A recent opinion piece regarding abortion was heartfelt.
2 years ago The Mecca of basketball in the East To the Editor; I particularly enjoyed Emily Burnham’s story about the legendary Bangor Auditorium during its heyday for the Eastern Maine Basketball Tournament years.
2 years ago AARP Maine wants to hear from you To the Editor; Do you ever get the feeling that no one’s really listening to you? Well, that’s about to change.
2 years ago End corporate welfare To the Editor; When will taxpayers wake up and put an end to all corporate welfare and throw out the politicians who approve it? Standard Biocarbon has already received more than $1.
2 years ago Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis wraps up Christmas project To the Editor; To the families and friends of Dover-Foxcroft, Sebec, Monson, and Charleston This message was sent to us from one of the families our Kiwanis Community Christmas Project helped this year: “I want to say thank you for all the wonderful gifts and Christmas dinner.
2 years ago A little better sensitivity To the Editor; I was pleased to see the local school basketball teams featured in your Dec.