
Why I joined the ‘No Labels’ party

To the Editor;

I am so frustrated with the politics in Washington that for the first time in 42 years I have changed my political party affiliation. I have joined the “No Labels” party and I am actively working to gain ballot access for the “No Labels” party in Maine.

I just can’t take the constant blaming and complaining and lack of problem solving going on in Washington. Let’s be clear, this constant finger-pointing and accusations you see from both parties is not working. It takes nothing to stand up and pontificate about all that’s wrong with the other side. It’s a cop-out. It’s the lazy way out. It’s behavior that for the rest of America would get them fired because a business, team, or organization made of co-workers who spend all their time blaming each other can’t survive. Why is Washington not held to the same standard as regular working people, like you and me?  

“No Labels” has a different idea, which I agree with; there is no problem, regardless of size, that cannot be solved by ordinary people, like you and me, if we work together. Setting aside differences, understanding the opposing argument, finding common ground, creating solutions that work for all sides. That’s really hard. That’s called work. That’s what Washington should be doing.

“No Labels” is not new. It was founded in 2010 to promote bipartisan problem-solving. In 2017 the group created The Problem Solvers Caucus, a 60-member group equally divided between Democrats and Republicans and united in finding solutions to the country’s toughest challenges.Their achievements include the COVID relief bill, infrastructure investment and jobs act, and the safer communities act.

“No Labels” believes we can change Washington. In repeated polling the majority of Americans say they don’t want a Trump/Biden ticket in 2024. “No Labels” wants to offer an option. It is working to gain ballot access in all 50 states to provide an opportunity for a unity ticket, one Democrat and one Republican, to run “together” for the presidency. 

Despite the widespread belief that a 3rd party option can’t compete with the two major parties, the electoral college makes it possible. In every state except two, all the electoral votes go to the candidate with the most votes. In a close 3-way race that makes it possible for 34 percent of the vote, in any one state, to take all of the electoral votes in that state. Battleground state polling shows a unity ticket could capture enough moderate independent votes to win 25 states. That would be 286 electoral votes. That would clear the 270 threshold needed to win the presidency. 

“No Labels” has no intention of pulling votes away from either candidate. They have every intention of winning the presidency. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s impossible for an independent to win. There is a vast, silent majority of moderates in this country. When they make their voice heard, there will be change.

It’s time to come together. It’s time to do the real work that problem solving requires. I believe change is possible. That’s why I joined “No Labels.” If you don’t think Trump/Biden is the best America has to offer, then you belong with “No Labels.”

Peter Wright


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