
Proposed mine is not right for the area

To the Editor;

I am writing to lament the mining operation proposed by Canada-based Wolfden Resources at Pickett Mountain, and to urge the Land Use Planning Commission to deny Wolfden’s rezoning request.

The proposed mine is in pristine, ecologically rich land and waters important to local tourism and recreation. It is an area culturally, spiritually, and historically held sacred by the Penobscot Nation and the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, who have protected it for centuries and are sustained by its plants and animals.

Located at the headwaters of the West Branch of the Mattawamkeag, the proposed mine could significantly endanger groundwater, nearby lakes, streams and rivers, forests, and habitat.

Wolfden has little experience in the destructive industry of metal mining, or in the environmental protection required. It proposes potentially devastating extraction, processing, and permanent waste storage facilities.

The proposed mine is in an economically depressed area, but the jobs it might provide are likely to be few and fleeting. I think the traditional outdoor economy, including guiding, hiking, hunting, fishing, and associated businesses offers far more promise, and should not be compromised.

I oppose Wolfden’s Pickett Mountain mining proposal, for the sake of the area’s land, waters, wildlife, and people.

Mary Miller


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