
After historic highs, lumber prices are finally beginning to drop

Live music returns to the Center Theatre

Pedestrian killed in D-F

Sheriff oversight proposal dies in Legislature

Dexter Regional High School May Students of the Month

Here’s what to do about the irritating rash caused by the browntail moth caterpillar

Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis presented with Spirit of America Award

Gudroe wins ‘Manie Musicale’ competition

Mills Administration provides guidelines to resume full-time, in-person learning in fall

Dispensation from obligation to attend Mass lifted for Maine Catholics, effective June 19

June 8 referendum results

U.S. Sens. Collins, King announce nearly $10M for Head Start programs

National Honor Society chapters

Eyeing comeback, Maine’s former governor pitches ‘LePage 2.0’

Grillo named dean of students at NMCC

CMP president and CEO will retire at the end of June