4 years ago Medicare a priority for older Americans To the Editor; This election season, as an older Mainer, I want to urge fellow Maine voters to consider candidates with clear plans to protect and strengthen Medicare, which provides health care for more than 52 million Americans 65-plus, half of whom live on incomes below $23,500 per year.
4 years ago Absentee ballots provide for safe and informed voting To the Editor; Our individual right to vote is the most powerful tool we have in shaping the leadership of our national, state and local governments.
4 years ago County will be in good shape with Myers To the Editor; Have people in Piscataquis County seen a movie at the Center Theater? Have they seen the birthday of a friend posted up on the marquee? Did they go to any of the drive-in movies at the arena? Have they gone to the whoopie pie festival? In addition to watching the budget and keeping the theater in the black, all of these events have been successfully engineered by Patrick Myers, director of the theater, who is now running for county commissioner.
4 years ago Stearns and Davis help with ITS 85 culvert replacement To the Editor; Recently Four Winds Snowmobile Club lost two culverts near the former Prides Manufacturing facility in Guilford.
4 years ago Myers for county commissioner To the Editor; I am writing today to support Patrick Myers in his run for county commissioner for District 2 in Piscataquis County.
4 years ago Integrity plus energy plus dedication equals Contreni To the Editor; Margarita Contreni has dedicated herself to becoming an active citizen-volunteer in our town and county by being hard working like the folks of Piscataquis County.
4 years ago Rep. Stearns helping grandparents with Family and Medical Leave Act To The Editor, I am supporting Rep.
4 years ago Liberty and justice for all To the Editor; Thank you for publishing the recent letter that explained that #BLM means that “black lives matter, too,” and not the presumed “black lives matter, only.
4 years ago Voting is easier and less than demanding than ever before To the Editor; Recently I was told by a normally sensible person that the elderly are in danger of losing their opportunity to vote this year due to absentee balloting and ranked-choice voting.
4 years ago Make cultured meat economically viable To the Editor; Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a $2 trillion climate plan that won praise from the previously-critical Sunrise Movement.
4 years ago Reduce the risk for everyone To the Editor; I understand individuals have rights to decide what they do about their own health.
4 years ago Pelosi’s trip to the salon To the Editor; Reports of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s hair salon appointment, and her claiming that she was set up, only strengthens the truth that if you can make the laws you don’t have to follow them.
4 years ago Time for new leadership with Contreni To the Editor; Margarita Contreni, Democratic candidate for House District #119, is a professional experienced in education, public information and economic development.
4 years ago Everyone’s personal responsibility for successful school reopening To the Editor; Do I want to see kids going back to school? You bet! We can all see how difficult this COVID remote learning has been for kids and parents.
4 years ago Hope and pride To the Editor; As I watched the Democratic National Convention I was reminded of what being an American means to me.
4 years ago Voting safely To the Editor; With just over two months before the November 3 elections, many Mainers find themselves grappling with unexpected hardships brought on by the coronavirus.