Police & Fire

18-year-old dies from apparent shotgun accident in Parkman

Greenville Select Board chooses public safety building contractor

2 Maine elected officials found on far-right group’s leaked membership rolls

Piscataquis commissioner questions cost of COVID-19 testing at jail

Four arrested after nearly 4 pounds of fentanyl seized in multi-county drug bust

Revised cannabis land uses ordinance to be brought to Dover-Foxcroft voters

Bath man appealing attempted murder conviction argues he wasn’t sane

Corinth businesses start selling alcohol after voters end dry town legacy

Landowner, logger, forester resolve shoreland timber harvesting violations with Maine Forest Service

Court rules Maine cannabis dispensary owners don’t need to be residents

Sebec man charged with domestic violence assault and terrorizing

Piscataquis sheriff’s office to hire new patrol officer to cover Greenville

The secret to avoiding the 143-mile detour in Jackman was to know a local

Alleged gun threat paused Dover-Foxcroft fireworks show over weekend

Solutions sought for downtown Greenville parking issues

Penobscot County administrator is leaving after less than 2 years on the job