5 years ago Save our town hall? We are at a crossroads about the future of the Sangerville Town Hall Building. Some factions have the opinion the town hall costs too much to keep in use. Options I’ve heard include to “mothball”, sell or demo it. None of which keep it as a good identity for Sangerville.
5 years ago Save Sangerville Town Hall During recent meetings, the select board of Sangerville has discussed the possibility of giving up on the historic town hall in favor of building a new, smaller facility for town government. It seems that the present town hall is in need of extensive repairs which will be costly for the residents. While the board is to be complimented on their efforts to save money for the citizens of Sangerville, the bottom dollar should not always be the driving force behind a decision of this magnitude. There are other perspectives about the town hall and its future that should be explored.
5 years ago Time for Bloomberg Donald Trump talked big about lowering the price of prescription drugs, but instead about the only thing he’s done is take big money. Trump promised nearly 80 times to lower drug prices or claimed he already had -- yet, in the first six months of 2019, 3,400 drugs increased their prices at a rate five times higher than inflation. We need a president who won’t sell us out, and who can take real action to lower drug prices. Mike Bloomberg will be that president.
5 years ago U.S. Sen. Collins is in our corner for Medicare Advantage Over the past six years serving in the Maine Legislature we have debated and acted upon many, many government programs. One that has really caught my attention is the Medicare Advantage Plan Program.
5 years ago Independence lost Maine stands at the crossroads again of individual liberty and choice or government control and subjugation. Will we choose liberty or bend to out-of-state interests again? For the sake of freedom, let Maine's independence rise up and vote yes on Question 1!
5 years ago Don’t be fooled on Question 1 We are in the middle of the misinformation age. The latest is the recent effort by a people’s veto group Reject Big Pharma to use the ploy of claiming that Big Pharma is behind the new law requiring vaccinations. I am writing to set the record straight. I have many beefs with Big Pharma, but they are not driving the law to require vaccination of children. Science is.
5 years ago Vote no on Question 1 Question 1 would allow those who oppose vaccines for non-medical personal reasons to send their unvaccinated children to school. Those personal beliefs would expose other children -children who then carry the virus home and into the community. This puts us all at risk, especially the vulnerable, aged, infants and pregnant women.
5 years ago Donate blood to help fight cancer Did you know that patients fighting cancer need more blood than patients fighting any other disease? Cancer patients use nearly one-quarter of the nation’s blood supply. In fact, five units of blood are needed every minute to help someone going through cancer treatment. Yet, only 3 percent of people in the U.S. give blood.
5 years ago Please pay attention when driving Ignorance or arrogance -- I haven't quite figured out which one it is that drives people to blatantly ignore the law, or (at the very least) fail to exercise common courtesy. I live in Corinth and travel Route 15 to and from Bangor quite frequently. I don't mind saying that it has become a very disturbing drive.
5 years ago ‘A simple change in mindset’ Matthew Gagnon's column praising Tulsi Gabbard for doing the "human thing" toward those with differing opinions and refraining from celebrating in others' misfortunes or tragedy is well received. It's a powerful approach when seen from a U.S. representative.
5 years ago A man of conscience I was moved to tears by the sincerity of U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney's speech defending his decision to declare President Trump guilty. He relayed how enormously consequential his oath before God to be an impartial juror was and the emotional impact of these words caused him to bow his head to regain his composure.
5 years ago Gov. LePage endorses Thomas for Maine Senate Dear citizens of Senate District 4, I am endorsing the Hon. Doug Thomas for Maine Senate District 4. Thomas is an experienced legislator, having served in both the House and Senate. He owns and operates a small Maine business and understands the importance of keeping government small and affordable for the people of Maine.
5 years ago Retirement savings bill will help Mainers get on the right track Saving for retirement is one of the most important things you can do for your future.
5 years ago Support bill to aid employee retirement savings It is a stark reality that on average, working households in Maine have just $2,500 in retirement account savings. As the current AARP volunteer state president, a Portland Maine resident and a former small business owner, I am very interested in changing this situation.
5 years ago Civil servants I find it almost comical that Scott K. Fish chose to reference Hugh Hewett in his Jan. 10, 2020 column about a modern government workforce as someone we should take to heart when critiquing civil servants. In state, local and federal government there certainly is room for improvement, but why would we seek answers from an individual who has made a living promoting an agenda that has nothing to do with the working class, instead focusing on advancing hypotheses that ignore science while willfully promoting debunked theories in order to obfuscate the truth, all under the guise his Christian faith affords him a platform to educate the public while sharing his opinions which predominantly adhere to party lines, even at the cost of him being hypocritical.
5 years ago A bright idea Have you ever made a suggestion to someone and been ignored, with no response? Not so the case with Will Wedge from Will’s Shop and Save. I mentioned the poor lighting at the entrance to his store and along with some arm twisting (ask to see the bruises) only a couple of days later, new lights were installed!
5 years ago Impeachment thoughts In response to a recent letter by Pete Johnson I would first put forth the question, "How can one think that this impeachment process which has been going on since Trump took office in 2016 has nothing to do with the economy, unemployment or any other accomplishments of our President?"
5 years ago Support Sen. Davis’ reelection I am writing in support of Sen. Paul Davis, R-Sangerville. This letter of support for Sen. Davis is easy to write. For a number of years I was the Legislative liaison for the Maine Community College System. During my tenure the college system grew from its roots as the Maine Vocational Technical Institutes to the Maine Technical College System and finally to the community college system that serves Maine people today.