5 years ago More on the history of Brownville Junction I have read and reread the article titled “What the Central Maine and Quebec Railway sale means for the state’s industries, economy” printed in the Dec. 6, 2019 issue of the Observer. With all certainty, increased activity and improved service and conditions on Maine’s railways is a step in the right direction for the economy of central Maine.
5 years ago My dad was right In response to the Bangor Daily News letter to the editor, “Grandparents’ GOP” on Dec. 27: I could have written this same letter about my parents. My dad, a World War II veteran and proud American, kept up on current events through his subscription to the BDN, reading books and televised news outlets until the end. Unfortunately, his body gave out on him and he was literally on his deathbed on Election Day 2016.
5 years ago History should continue at D-F mill Hello. Recently discovered that the Mill Café is closed at least for the time being. What about adding some curated pieces to the commercial space? I visited both Bates Mill in Auburn and Pepperell Mill in Biddeford and fell in love with the history.
5 years ago D-F Kiwanis thanks all involved in Community Christmas Project The Kiwanis Community Christmas Project is truly a community-supported and worthwhile project. Starting with the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church, there are so many people and organizations that deserve to get big hugs for their help in making the holidays brighter for our community's youth.
5 years ago U.S. Rep. Golden lets the people of Maine down If you see Congressman Jared Golden, D-Maine around our communities in Maine’s Second Congressional District you may want to ask him which of the accomplishments of the administration he doesn’t like:
5 years ago Surprise Medical Billing connected to health insurance company profits Even as health insurance companies report record profits, I regularly read about the growing crisis of Surprise Medical Billing (SMB). It seems implausible that these two trends are somehow unrelated. SMB occurs when health insurers won’t pay for medical care and, instead, those costs are shunted off to patients who can scarcely afford them. So are the insurance companies pocketing more profits at the expense of patients they claim to insure? It would certainly appear so.
5 years ago MaineCare should include dental care Poor dental health impacts both individuals and their families. Being able to provide and take care of a family becomes increasingly difficult when someone is suffering.
5 years ago Thanks to all those who helped at benefit With thanks to a generous community of individuals who attended the recent event, businesses who lined up to donate silent auction items and a core group of volunteers to put it together, we are overjoyed to have raised thousands to help Tim, Danielle and Abby in their fight against cancer.
5 years ago The 1950s weren’t so great V. Paul Reynold’s column on the joy of the 1950s is typical of what can happen to someone who doesn’t appreciate they are probably alive today because of so many good things we take for granted today but didn’t even imagine in the ‘50s.
5 years ago The 1950s weren’t wonderful for everyone The author of a recent OpEd, “The 1950s were a wonderful decade,” states that “abortion was a rarity.” This is not true. According to the Guttamacher Intitute, in that decade illegal abortions are estimated to have numbered between 200,000 to 1 million each year.
5 years ago Go Green history For two years Go Green has been helping the Earth. Go Green has a meeting and works on things to help the Earth. Last year Go Green grew potatoes big and small. This year Go Green started by planting plants.
5 years ago Corridor alternatives Has Central Maine Power looked at other alternatives to an energy corridor that will stretch across Maine’s northwestern forest? CMP’s proposed route would break up pristine forest.
5 years ago Local students to speak for comprehensive climate change legislation in D.C. A party of 33 from Maine, including 12 students, ages 9-21 from the Portland area, Dover-Foxcroft, Waldoboro and Farmington, will meet with elected officials on Capitol Hill regarding climate change legislation. The students will participate in trainings on Nov. 11 in preparation for the Nov. 12 meetings with U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, U.S. Reps. Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden and members of U.S. Sen. Angus King’s staff.
5 years ago Vacant houses could provide shelter Our community should consider renovating vacant houses to provide homeless citizens safe, affordable shelter.
5 years ago Need help providing for Christmas? To parents and friends of our area's children: If your family lives in one of the towns served by RSU 68 (Charleston, Dover-Foxcroft, Monson and Sebec) and your family needs assistance in providing warm winter clothing and a gift for each of your children (ages infant to 17 years old), the Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft may be able to help.
5 years ago Patients over profits As our health care delivery deteriorates -- lacking the quality and outcomes found in other advanced nations at twice the cost -- the hospital conglomerates, the government and the press are sometimes claiming progress. And, in spite of this, the growing national outrage is being met by policymakers scrambling to hold our nation’s bloated health care money pit.
5 years ago Credit unions work for Maine Many government programs are trying to address Maine’s economic challenges. We have an aging population, more jobs than qualified candidates to fill them, and far too many families struggling to put meals on the table. Government assistance helps, but we cannot rely on it alone.
5 years ago Bring our troops home Having served 20 years in the U.S. military (submarines), I find the editorial stance of the BDN on Oct. 10 concerning the “Syria withdrawal” troubling. The BDN’s position seems to be in agreement with most of Maine’s congressional delegation that considers the withdrawal to be an abandonment of the Kurds and a dangerous signal to our allies.