5 years ago Let’s not abandon freedom Ronald Sweet’s recent letter to the editor questioned why the U.S. death rate could rise to 100,000, blaming this tragedy on government “ineptitude, incompetence, and inaction.” Like Mr. Sweet, I pray we can do better than these numbers, but I disagree with his analysis. I urge him to remember that information from the Chinese government, a regime which denies the reality of Tiananmen Square, is unreliable.
5 years ago Thanks to U.S. Sen. Collins for Paycheck Protection Program I would like to thank U.S. Sen. Susan Collins for once again putting the people of Maine before politics to craft the Paycheck Protection Program, which provides relief for small employers and their valued staff.
5 years ago Our fates our linked I appreciated Bruce Poliquin's call for unity in his recent column. The times certainly demand it. The times also demand increased discernment. The coronavirus pandemic shines the light on our absolute connection as humans.
5 years ago Put Trump’s name on it Just days ago, I and millions of others received “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America.” Since Donald Trump likes to have his name on everything, apparently to maintain his self-importance, it seems only fitting to me that we now refer to this deadly flu as the "Trump Virus.”
5 years ago Success is in the eye of the beholder On Sunday (March 29), President Donald Trump said that if the United States can keep the death toll down to 100,000, "we all together have done a very good job." I pray we can do much better than that.
5 years ago A note about electability Please stop talking about the electability of a woman to be president of the United States. It is racist or sexist to elect or not elect a person based on race or gender. When the person with the same agenda and values as the majority of people in this country runs for office, they will win the nomination regardless of race or gender.
5 years ago Fighting side by side for natural resources I believe Hydro-Quebec is currently trying to buy the expected Central Maine Power corridor referendum in November with their ads. A loophole in Maine’s election law allows a foreign influence to spend money in a referendum election. Some ads even compared Baxter State Park with The Jacques-Cartier National Park in Quebec to promote Quebec’s care for scenic beauty.
5 years ago What services would Gagnon cut? One reason I read newspapers is to get a variety of opinions, so I read Matt Gagnon’s recent column concerning the latest government “spending spree” with interest.
5 years ago Coronavirus precautions are vital We must assume ongoing risk of community transmission. We must continue social distancing. Stay home unless you have to leave for essential tasks. We must limit visiting with family who are not in our immediate households. Shopping for food or other supplies should no longer be a regular occurrence, but rather an occurrence of necessity
5 years ago Sen. Davis reaching out to constituents Usually after the Legislature closed I would go door to door as l am running for reelection. Because of the coronavirus pandemic I don't feel this possible. I will reach out the best I can. Feel free to contact me at 207-876-4047, 207-343-0258 and sendavis@myottmail.com.
5 years ago Building Maine’s future Maine needs to attract and retain young working families. The future of our economy depends upon it. As an early childhood educator, I am thrilled to see an understanding by our state leaders that this requires access to quality, affordable early care and education.
5 years ago Where are the small government proponents now? So where are all the small government, deregulate and keep the state out of their life proponents now?
5 years ago Take coronavirus seriously Italy is the epicenter in Europe of the COVID-19 epidemic. They are doing everything possible to strangle the spread of the virus, including closure of everything except essential services. You are not allowed to go next door to visit your neighbor. You cannot travel by car or train without a very good reason. In spite of the difficulties, my Italian friends say everyone is cooperating. Everyone is pulling together, as Americans will also do.
5 years ago Give me a break The BDN’s March 13 editorial called President Trump’s urgency “welcome.” Give me a break! Welcome? This urgency should have been displayed months ago when President Trump was first briefed on COVID-19 and downplayed it!
5 years ago Sangerville Town Hall at a crossroad As we sit right now, we own the building, no debt. The only thing at cost at present is the utilities cost and the insurance cost for the building. We do need to talk about needed maintenance cost. And where to go from here.
5 years ago Help is available at Project Rachel Help is available for them at Project Rachel, The Post-Abortion Healing Ministry of The Catholic Church. Project Rachel, who is open to anyone regardless of their religion, has a network of specially trained clergy, spiritual directors and therapists who provide compassionate “one-on-one care” to those who are struggling with the aftermath of abortion.
5 years ago Issues with the Sangerville Town Hall The question is, does it need to remain in a 120-year-old theater or do taxpayers deserve a more practical and efficient use of their money? The selectboard has added a discussion article to the town warrant so that we, the residents of Sangerville, can talk about the issue.
5 years ago Out of touch with the times Many readers have suggested that U.S. Sen. Susan Collins has lost touch with Maine. What surprises me is how out of touch she seems to be with Washington. How could any observer of Washington politicians have thought that the president was going to amend his ways after his impeachment? People don't change, especially when they believe their behavior got them to where they are.