5 years ago Bear feeding rule change The people of Maine now have an opportunity to try to resolve the bear debate by ending Maine’s bear feeding program. Since 2004, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has falsely claimed that bears must be fed in order to kill them to control their population.
5 years ago Vote by absentee ballot Why are so many people turned-off by voting? Do they think government doesn’t affect their lives, isn’t responsive to the needs of their community or just isn’t worth the time and trouble?
5 years ago Open up and get back to work Some of our Legislative leaders have finally asked to reconvene so they can reconsider the emergency powers of the Governor. My hope is that those "stay at home" orders are rescinded. This statewide shut down of business is not the measure we need to prevent the spread of this virus.
5 years ago Caveats and considerations Regarding the quarantine, let us remove it, with an understanding that businesses, their staff and clients, incorporate protocols that we know mitigate spread of the virus.
5 years ago Make a difference, vote July 14 Due to the coronavirus, many details concerning this year's 2020 Congressional primary election have yet to be determined. What we do know is that the election date has been set as July 14.
5 years ago Representatives need to listen to medical science Even in the most rural of regions, the people chosen to represent us to the state prove just how much they deserve the job in times of public crisis. Clearly, this pandemic is such a time for us, and it is sadly obvious that Reps. Stearns, Foster and Higgins and Sen. Davis have no primary interest in their most important job --- keeping their constituents safe. If they did, they never would have published their joint letter "We Need to Open the Penquis Region Today."
5 years ago Protecting public health The Maine people recently voted as a large majority to keep the law regarding vaccinations intact. By doing so, they showed that the majority of Maine citizens believe that protecting the public’s health overrides the individual’s right to refuse vaccinations. Likewise, protecting oneself from getting infected by the covid virus protects the public’s health.
5 years ago Socially distant, services continue in Dover-Foxcroft Town buildings and certain facilities remain closed due to COVID-19 but the town’s work carries on. Our first responders, police and fire are at the ready to answer the call day or night to make sure our community is safe. The town’s road crew is busy with road work and preparing for summer paving. If you’re still seeing broken trees or limbs affecting your commute, let us know.
5 years ago Our governor is a gem The April 24 letter from Bob Jean made my day. He wrote the letter I didn't get around to writing myself, perhaps better than I could have.
5 years ago COVID-19 and moose permits I understand that the drawing for moose permits will be online only as those in charge feel that would be prudent. Many unusual restrictions of gathering and other freedoms have been decreed by the authorities in these troubled times.
5 years ago Praise for Gov. Mills Gov. Janet Mills’ leadership has kept Maine’s coronavirus infection and death rates among the lowest in the nation.
5 years ago Protecting inmates from COVID-19 I call for the release of as many jail and prison inmates as possible in light of the threat to inmates of the COVID-19 virus. If anyone going into a locked facility, where inmates and staff have no good option of safe distancing, has the virus, it will be almost impossible to prevent a health and safety crisis.
5 years ago Ease the pressure on the planet with vegan foods Luckily, all of us can ease the pressure on our planet by filling our grocery bags — whatever they are made of — with delicious, healthy vegan foods. Researchers have found that animal-derived substances have carbon footprints two to 20 times larger than vegan foods.
5 years ago Our community is special because of the people One thing is certain, we live in this state of Maine, in a county and in a town. However, we also live in a "community.” What makes our community special is the people. Each one of us can share our resources, talents and love with our community.
5 years ago Please respond to the Census More than 50 million households, representing more than one-third of the nation, already have responded to the 2020 Census. The census happens once every 10 years, and your response affects allocation of congressional seats and federal funds to your community -- for things like schools, hospitals, roads, and emergency services.
5 years ago To teenagers from a teacher We are lucky to live here in Maine. Time outdoors has not been canceled! Take a walk down your road. A late-season snowshoe might still be possible for some. Find a local land trust trail. It does not have to be a grand excursion. It can be as simple as a 10 minute sit-down on the back steps to listen to the birds or gaze at the moon.
5 years ago Help postal employees practice social distancing For everyone’s safety, our employees are following the social distancing precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health officials. We are asking people to not approach our carriers to accept delivery. Let the carrier leave the mailbox before collecting the mail. With schools not in session, children should also be encouraged to not approach a postal vehicle or carrier.
5 years ago Making the best of it Mention COVID-19 and conversations turn to concerns about financial solvency and medical care. I want to remind us of something: You and I are lucky enough to live in a country where government is, “of the people, by the people and for the people”. COVID-19 is a beautiful reminder and opportunity to uphold governing ourselves.