Letters to the Editor
5 years ago
How does Piscataquis County reopen when it was barely open to begin with? 
Sen. Paul Davis represents District 4, and he recently published a joint letter with Reps. Higgins, Stearns and Foster about reopening the Penquis region. In response, my mother, who is immunocompromised, wrote him about her concerns of pushing ahead too quickly against the advice of medical experts. My mother received a reply, telling her to stay safe, but that “people are hungry” and “need to get back to work.” This very typical response fails to address key issues.
5 years ago
Representatives need to listen to medical science
Even in the most rural of regions, the people chosen to represent us to the state prove just how much they deserve the job in times of public crisis. Clearly, this pandemic is such a time for us, and it is sadly obvious that Reps. Stearns, Foster and Higgins and Sen. Davis have no primary interest in their most important job --- keeping their constituents safe. If they did, they never would have published their joint letter "We Need to Open the Penquis Region Today."
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