5 years ago
July 14 referendum results
Shall the town appropriate revenues anticipated
in the amount of $2,133,808 and
appropriate additional funds including
funds from surplus in the amount of $260,000,
for a total amount of $2,393,808
to be used to reduce amounts
to be raised from the property tax commitment
to fund appropriations in subsequent articles,
and; authorize the board of selectmen
to appropriate an additional amount
from surplus to reduce the property tax commitment?
Yes No
791 167
Shall the town raise and appropriate
the sum of $4,651,635, for town operations?
(Revenue and surplus to be used
to reduce the amount to be raised
to fund this article is $2,279,508,
net amount to be raised is $2,372,127)
Yes No
871 195
Shall the town raise and appropriate the sum
of $205,500 to capital reserve to fund capital equipment?
(Revenue and surplus to be used to reduce the amount
to be raised to fund this article is $18,600, net amount
to be raised is $186,900);
and authorize the board of selectmen to expend funds)
Yes No
813 214
Shall the town raise and appropriate the sum
of $72,500 to capital reserve to fund
capital improvements to town buildings and facilities?
(Revenue to be used to reduce the amount to be raised to fund
this article is $5,700, net amount to be raised is $66,800);
and authorize the board of selectmen to expend funds)
Yes No
766 219
Shall the town appropriate all money received
from the the state (anticipated in the amount of $90,000)
for capital improvements and maintenance of town roads
and bridges and raise and appropriate $310,000
for capital improvements and maintenance for town roads?
Total expenditure = $400,000.