
Bluegrass Music Association of Maine presents ‘Rock Hearts’

Celebrate the opening of Maine’s largest rooftop community solar project Thursday at Foxcroft Academy

UMaine Extension offers in-depth horticulture and gardening training

Calendar of events

Center Theatre to show Maine-made documentary ‘We Are the Warriors’

COVID-19, flu vaccine clinic to be held in Greenville Oct. 21

Contra dance Friday evening

Harvest craft fair Saturday

Parkman Grange to help with SAD 4 Santa Project

Sessions of the Essentials of College Planning

Theatre offers ‘Intro to Storyboarding’ afterschool program

Calendar of events

PCSWCD offers ‘Fall Care for Young Fruit Trees’

Milo Garden Club meets Oct. 10

Year’s last concert on the Wayside Grange & Theatre features Castlebay

4-H Ag Ambassador program features farm visits and career exploration for teens