8 years ago Keep the secret ballot alive Dover-Foxcroft's Charter Revision Commission would like all town voters to believe their proposed changes to the charter are offered as a way of "streamlining" the voting process for the annual town budget.
8 years ago Thank you, Sangerville Select Board Good things are coming for the town of Sangerville, Maine. A huge percentage of the Sangerville residents are excited and now have a positive outlook and sense of trust concerning our town and the totally new select board members.
8 years ago Don’t let D-F election regress to bygone era By attempting to take away the ability to vote by secret ballot all the budget related Articles on the ballot at the Dover-Foxcroft Municipal election in June, the Charter Revision Commission has regressed to a bygone era!
8 years ago Preserve your freedom Some years aqo Dover-Foxcroft residents voted for the annual town budget by a show of hands in open town meeting. In 2004 a couple of hundred strident and angry voices approved all the Warrant Articles and the town deepened the divide between two factions -- those for whom there never was enough spending and those desiring to retain their meager resources.
8 years ago Throw-away society I see so much litter along the roadsides. The most noticeable are drink cups (coffee, soda ...). Perhaps cars and trucks need to have better, built-in trash receptacles.
8 years ago Governor should take a hike I am very concerned and perplexed about Governor LePage trying to dismantle the Katahdin Woods and Waters Monument especially since it is already bringing increased travel to the economically battered region. This has brought more activity to retailers and campgrounds and has even increased property value.
8 years ago Scammers ruin people’s lives Earlier this week, I found out that my email had been hacked. I was locked out of my email and unable to access my list of contacts. It was frustrating and it was scary.
8 years ago Don’t streamline your voting rights away Is there really any logical reason for the Charter Revision Commission to eliminate the ability of Dover-Foxcroft residents to vote all budgetary Articles by Secret ballot in the privacy of the voting booth at June's municipal election?
8 years ago A letter to Forest Society of Maine Will your organization support the Moosehead Region Futures Corporation to prevent the building of two large windmill farms consisting of over 100 windmills? They will be built on Misery Ridge and on Burnt Nubble and Black Nubble.
8 years ago Article was misleading The editorial piece written by Governor LePage that was published in the April 19th edition of the Observer is decidedly misleading. The Governor has a history of granting tax breaks to big business and the wealthy at the expense of education, the elderly, working families, the poor and the environment.
8 years ago Preserving local access to health care America’s rural hospitals are at risk. In fact, 80 rural hospitals in 25 states have closed since 2010. In Maine, 19 of the state’s 36 hospitals ended fiscal year 2016 with negative operating margins. On average half of Maine hospitals have reported negative operating margins annually since 2012.
8 years ago Don’t vote your rights away There is a thief in Dover-Foxcroft. It currently exists in the proposed revision of the town charter and it's ready to steal away your right to vote all the budgetary warrant articles presented on the ballot at the June municipal election. That's right! If you approve the revised town charter appearing as a referendum on this June's ballot you will effectively lose the ability to vote by secret ballot on any budget-related item except a "bottom line" budget total.
8 years ago More regressive taxes on the way Taxed enough already? Well, yes and no. In our last letters we discussed taxes levied by the State of Maine. About 50 percent of their revenue comes from regressive sales taxes and another 40 percent comes from (very) mildly progressive income taxes (the rest from licenses and other taxes).
8 years ago Revising charter is a step backward Aren't town charters developed to be a kind of rule book to which town administrations and town residents can agree to adhere? Shouldn't one be able to assume revisions of that charter would be undertaken in the interest of these residents and in an effort to achieve maximum transparency by the town's government? Well, the currently proposed (revised) Dover-Foxcroft Municipal Charter appears to do just the opposite.
8 years ago Thank you to People’s United Methodist Church On behalf of our lovely community and the Moosehead Lake Region, I want to thank the People's United Methodist Church for the wonderful spaghetti suppers they have on Wednesday nights. They are delicious. Also the Thanksgiving dinner every year. We appreciate all the work church members do in preparing these lovely meals.
8 years ago ‘Medicare for All’ Single payer health care, sometimes referred to as “Medicare for All”, is the 900-pound gorilla sitting quietly in the corner during health care discussions. Fifty-eight percent of us support it. Now that the American Health Care Act has been put on hold, maybe even more people will be open to taking a look.
8 years ago President Trump must uphold Obamacare | Now that House Speaker Paul Ryan has affirmed that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land for the foreseeable future, Republican and Democratic lawmakers have the responsibility to come together to fix what’s wrong with it and work together to expand its benefits to all Americans.
8 years ago Speak up now for our environment I am deeply saddened and alarmed by President Trump's recent executive order to dismantle President Obama's program to fight climate change. Climate change is one of the most significant threats that challenge our earth today.