8 years ago School budget opposed by Milo selectmen This year, the Milo Board of Selectmen believe the proposed budget deserves a NO vote on June 29th.
8 years ago Food cupboard thanks community for support, seeks volunteers The new Dover-Foxcroft Area Food Cupboard (DFAFC) consists of Bowerbank, Garland, Atkinson, Sebec, Willimantic, Sangerville, and Dover-Foxcroft and has been in existence for two years. We want to thank both the Congregational Church and the Town Office of Dover-Foxcroft for giving us storage space for our food items. These locations have allowed us to distribute food bimonthly.
8 years ago Moosehead Lake Region Good morning from the shores of beautiful Moosehead Lake on this cloudy overcast summer morning as dawn has penetrated the night sky with the Lord’s glory, pray that He will bring abundance of sunshine and blue skies. To fill our hearts with love.
8 years ago Rep. Stearns on budget impasse As everyone knows, the legislature is embroiled in an awful battle in an attempt to come up with a state budget. As a representative to the citizens of House District #119 I would like to share my perspective and some of my thoughts on the predicament that we find ourselves in.
8 years ago Here’s a to-do list for passing new budget The first referendum vote for the FY18 budget in SAD #4/RSU 80 has failed. A new interim superintendent and bookkeeper are about to take over on a part-time basis. The school committee must step up and pull itself together. The board’s leadership is critical going forward to make progress on both passing a workable budget and facing the need to improve instruction in the classrooms in the district, which happens to enjoy very favorable class sizes.
8 years ago Many changes in healthcare, including at Mayo Regional Hospital Since 2012, on average, 18 of Maine’s 25 community hospitals have operated with negative operating margins. Now, it seems that nearly every day there is news about a hospital or health system closing or reducing services to control costs.
8 years ago Thanks from a future graduate It seems as if we forge some pretty amazing bonds with the libraries in many of the towns we move to. Certainly, it is the case with the Thompson Free Library here in Dover-Foxcroft. Let me explain.
8 years ago Restore decency in politics It’s no secret to people who know me -- I oppose Donald Trump on just about everything. But the erosion of basic human decency since the election is at a level I’ve never seen before.
8 years ago Much to be decided in Dover-Foxcroft on Tuesday, June 13 On Election Day Tuesday, June 13th voters will be going to the polls. Unlike many other elections, we are not seeing constant media coverage as there is only one State bond question being voted on. There is a lot being decided here at the local level and it’s important that Dover-Foxcroft voters weigh in on these issues.
8 years ago Pay attention to SAD 4 budget Once again the budget season for school districts is upon us and once again my concern in writing this letter is the way in which the school committee chooses to handle the SAD #4 budget development
8 years ago Check facts on proposed D-F Charter It saddens me to see people use this space to put out misleading and false information to the taxpayers and voters of Dover-Foxcroft. Therefore, I feel the need to correct information which Chris Maas stated last week in the publication of this newspaper.
8 years ago RSU 68 budget ‘student-centered’ It is with great pride that I write to you about the RSU 68 school budget. Throughout the budget process, the RSU 68 School Board worked with a guiding principle that says they are committed to making transparent, student-centered budget decisions. The budget that was presented and accepted at the May 30, 2017 district budget meeting reflects the belief in that principle.
8 years ago SAD 4 budget nauseating When I was elected to the school board in Guilford I made an appointment with my doctor and he doubled my meds. If you are prone to nausea, you might want to take some precautions yourself before you read the budget presented to SAD 4 by the board.
8 years ago Vote against D-F charter revision There’s a new day coming and it’s June 13 -- Municipal Election Day in Dover-Foxcroft. It can be a day of victory, a day for rejoicing because it will be the day we can vote our Freedom.
8 years ago Memorial Day rituals important Today I had the honor of participating in Dover-Foxcroft’s Memorial Day Parade. It is a celebration of our community and the connections between all of us who live here in our wonderful small town.
8 years ago Poor health practices can endanger patients Since my wife and I are getting on in years, we decided it would be prudent for us to find a primary care provider a littler closer to home than our previous in Bangor. We made an appointment with a doctor’s office (I will not say who it is, or where it is for discretionary reasons).
8 years ago Keep secret ballot process For a town attempting to rebuild itself, to energize its growth potential and expand business opportunities, Dover-Foxcroft’s Charter Revision Commission appears to have done everything possible to reverse that process.
8 years ago Piscataquis Valley Fair Association I would like to clear up a couple of misconceptions about the fairgrounds. Following that, I would like to express my concerns for the lawns and road system of said grounds.