7 years ago Stand with Parkland I want to support all the efforts to reduce the violence we see daily in this country. I stand with the students in Parkland, Florida, who are demonstrating for increased safety in gun laws.
7 years ago General Dynamics doesn’t need tax breaks I read in the BDN that General Dynamics, the parent company of Bath Iron Works, just spent $9.6 billion to buy another company, a huge IT conglomerate that provides IT services to the government.
7 years ago Wall won’t solve drug problem For what reason do we want to assemble a wall along the southern border of the United States? Loss of jobs? Currently, an average of 95 percent of Americans in the labor force are working. Illegal drugs? Trafficking? Violence?
7 years ago Make America proud again America has always been a great country, but as an American during the present administration, do you feel proud? Every day there is a new scandal rocking the White House, from domestic abuse charges in a staff lacking security clearances to paying hush money to a porn star for an affair with President Donald Trump.
7 years ago Trump threatens Republican values For some time, I’ve felt like I’m living in the “Twilight Zone.” The conservative Republican Party is almost unrecognizable.
7 years ago Progress in Sangerville The year 2017 was a positive year for the town. Town meeting we elected a new selectman. That I feel gave us three good common sense people. All three selectmen had no experience as selectmen but I feel they are doing a good job.
7 years ago Shameful threat against ‘Dreamers’ Threatening to deport young adults brought here illegally by their parents years ago, the “Dreamers,” is the same as threatening young legal citizens with a prison sentence because it was discovered that their parents had placed them in the getaway car during their bank robbery years ago.
7 years ago Praise for Maine representatives’ support to end cap on Medicare outpatient therapy costs We are happy to see that Maine’s federal delegation unanimously supports bipartisan legislation to end an arbitrary cap on the annual amount Medicare will cover for those who need outpatient therapy services. These arbitrary spending limits are preventing older Mainers from receiving the rehabilitation care they need from their therapists.
7 years ago Labeling and categorizing unfortunately are endemic to society Matthew Gagnon’s parents should be lauded for teaching him “not to label people, and to reject attempts at categoriz(ing) human beings.” Unfortunately, labeling and categorizing are endemic to our society.
7 years ago AARP Maine thanks U.S. Sen. Collins for sponsorship of RAISE Family Caregivers Act On behalf of the 178,000 unpaid family caregivers who reside in our state, AARP Maine applauds U.S. Sen. Susan Collins for her leadership in sponsoring the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act.
7 years ago U.S. Post Office works through the challenges of winter After our recent visit from Winter Storm Grayson, I want to thank postal employees for making every reasonable effort throughout this storm to transport, collect and deliver the mail where it was safe to do so.
7 years ago Harassment never acceptable As a baby boomer, I remember parents saying that proper social discourse should not include topics of sex, religion or politics. So much for that in today's news coverage invading our homes daily.
7 years ago Merry Christmas Now we are in the holiday season filled with the spirit of Christmas let’s unite as one greeting everyone with smiling faces and blessings of Christmas filling their hearts with love throughout the new year.
7 years ago Ranked-choice voting signature drive underway Ranked-choice voting (RCV) will make elections more fair and democratic. There is a new petition that will force the enactment of RCV (which has been delayed until after 2020 by the legislature) by next year.
7 years ago The voters of Maine persist in going forward with ranked-choice voting Between now and Feb. 4, citizens in communities all over Maine are collecting signatures from registered voters to create a “People's Veto Referendum” for our ranked-choice voting law that was passed by referendum in November 2016 but suppressed by the governor and legislature over this past year.
7 years ago The voters of Maine persist in going forward with ranked-choice voting Between now and Feb. 4, citizens in communities all over Maine are collecting signatures from registered voters to create a “People's Veto Referendum” for our ranked-choice voting law that was passed by referendum in November 2016 but suppressed by the governor and legislature over this past year.
7 years ago Congress’s priorities I’m having a hard time understanding why Congress is rushing through tax cuts that will cost $100 billion each year (benefiting few if any of my neighbors here), while denying $800 per year to each of nine million poor kids (many of whom are probably children of my neighbors here).
7 years ago Efforts to make the tax code fairer should not come at the expense of Medicare On behalf of 230,000 AARP members in the state of Maine, I am writing with great concern regarding the latest version of the Senate Tax Bill.