6 years ago Bill would address climate change through ‘fee and dividend’ Climate change is such a polarizing issue that passing bipartisan legislation to address it has been out of range, till now. Citizens Climate Lobby, a national nonpartisan organization, recently helped introduce the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, by a bipartisan group in the U.S. House of Representatives. Enacted into law, this bill would reduce carbon pollution and bring climate change under control by charging a fee on fossil fuels. The idea is called “fee and dividend.”
6 years ago Mayo merger concerns I was one of the four people that voted against the Mayo Regional Hospital-Northern Light Health (NLH) merger at the Sangerville special town meeting.
6 years ago Thank you Sen. Davis for vote on polystyrene ban On April 25 the Maine Senate passed a bill that would ban polystyrene, or Styrofoam, cups and food containers by 2020. The bill now goes to Gov. Janet Mills’ desk for her signature. Thank you Sen. Paul Davis, R-Sangerville for understanding that solving the plastic pollution problem is not a partisan issue and voting ‘yes’ on the polystyrene ban.
6 years ago Thanks from community luncheon organizers There was plenty of food and conversation and some rousing tunes at the free community luncheon offered at the Brownville Junction American Legion Building on Thursday, April 25. The event was sponsored by the members of St. John’s Episcopal Church and supported by the Brownville Junction American Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary.
6 years ago Thank you to all who contributed to SoupStock The Unitarian Universalist Church of Sangerville and Dover Foxcroft wishes to thank the community for its support of our food cupboard fundraiser, SoupStock. Our major fundraiser was a huge success. Special thanks go to all the businesses and individuals who donated their time and items.
6 years ago A successful merger will keep Mayo Regional Hospital operational To the Editor; I recently attended the community forum held in Guilford by Mayo Regional Hospital to inform citizens about the proposal to merge with Northern Light Health.
6 years ago Not worried about NECEC When I hear people complain about the Central Maine Power right of way that is being considered, it makes me think about how people must have felt when they saw the first telephone poles going up.
6 years ago Frenzy takes hold The impeachment ship is foundering in the breakers of the Mueller report. From blaming Trump election despondency for their obsessive reporting to outright denial, the old guard media is at a loss to explain how their spin got “unspun” before the eyes of the nation. The old ships are taking on water.
6 years ago Living in a fantasy world With the recent tragedy in New Zealand, Hollywood elitists approved of the recent enactment of stricter gun control in that country. This from a group of writers, directors and actors that spend their lives in a fantasy world.
6 years ago Crazy to oppose NECEC Our Canadian neighbors to the north want to sell surplus hydropower through Maine to Massachusetts.
6 years ago Amend the proposed land use ordinances Voters in Dover-Foxcroft will have a second chance to weigh in on three proposed land use ordinances (LUO) rejected by the town last November. These ordinances are the result of many years of hard work by the Planning Board (PB) focused on creating a more robust regulatory framework to govern land use within our town.
6 years ago Pre-K paves the way I am writing to support with enthusiasm Gov. Mills’ work toward making preschool available to all children in Maine. As a teacher of English and communication, I have had the opportunity to work with a broad spectrum of students from middle school through college.
6 years ago Amazon pipe dream Maine should go after Amazon to build their new headquarters here. Why? Because a massive, modern building would look so much better than a 145-mile transmission line that would supposedly create temporary jobs and destroy acres of forest.
6 years ago The importance of local newspapers We are fortunate to still have a local newspaper in the Piscataquis Observer. Cities and towns across the U.S. have lost 1,400 newspapers in the last 15 years, and the Observer, like all other Maine papers, has been subject to staff reductions, but at least we still have a source for coverage of board meetings, local events, sports events, etc.
6 years ago Land use ordinance a critical piece In 2016 the town of Dover-Foxcroft voted to approve our updated comprehensive plan as a tool to guide us in positive economic development, focusing on quality of life and natural resources. With housing sales up and some new investments, the future looks brighter than it has in decades.
6 years ago Stating the facts I did not vote for Eliot Cutler, but I am so happy that he has stood up to David Farmer and his propaganda and far-left liberal views.
6 years ago Move to Massachusetts? So Matthew Gagnon doesn’t want to live in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, he just wants to be taxed like he was. We’ll ignore that Maine has many times the land area and a fraction of the other states’ population density. We’ll ignore that the state has had eight years of Republican tax cutting policies, which has not achieved their mystical economic results.
6 years ago Protect the Electoral College Lori Calderone’s March 13 letter about the national popular vote for president verses the Electoral College shows the common misconception about how the Electoral College works.