Letters to the Editor
6 years ago
Now is the time for ranked choice voting for president
As we near the end of this current legislative session, it is crucial that we contact our district's House Representatives now to express support for LD 1083 “An Act To Implement Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Primary and General Elections in Main”' because right now is our last chance for such a bill, if passed any time in the next four weeks, to improve our voting system in Maine in time for the 2020 presidential election. Go online to http://legislature.maine.gov/house/house/ or call the House's Clerk's Office at 287-1400 to leave your message for your district representative.
6 years ago
Bill would address climate change through ‘fee and dividend’
Climate change is such a polarizing issue that passing bipartisan legislation to address it has been out of range, till now. Citizens Climate Lobby, a national nonpartisan organization, recently helped introduce the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, by a bipartisan group in the U.S. House of Representatives. Enacted into law, this bill would reduce carbon pollution and bring climate change under control by charging a fee on fossil fuels. The idea is called “fee and dividend.”
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