6 years ago Self-serving Census question I have family members who have green cards. They work, pay taxes, are productive members of their communities. Does this mean they don’t get counted, because they are not citizens? There must be millions in this status and in varying stages of becoming legal citizens. It is a slow process. Does this mean they don’t count?
6 years ago Dangers of ‘restorative justice’ Thirty years ago I was assistant District Attorney responsible for Piscataquis County. At that time, we had a process known as “filing” a case. This meant a case was postponed for a period of time on a promise of good behavior. It worked well with petty crimes, but we never “filed” an operating under the influence (OUI) charge. It would have been wrong then and it is now.
6 years ago Belfast business and climate change Thank you to the BDN for the front-page coverage given to the closure of Belfast’s Marshall Wharf Brewing Co. Roughly a million dollars in sales annually, and several local jobs, all lost to climate change. Neither the mandated federal flood insurance nor Federal Emergency Management Agency could apparently respond in time to help the Carlsons save their business.
6 years ago Recognizing our energy future I would like to thank Sen. Paul Davis for his prescience and determination to protect our future by supporting two bills that will bode well for Maine’s future energy needs. This is not the first time that Davis has put the people of Maine first.
6 years ago Thank you Sen. Davis I would like to say in these days where politics have split the country, Maine has shown to still have some conscientious leaders that respond to the needs of the people regardless of party. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the votes of Sen. Paul Davis on LD 1494 and LD 1711.
6 years ago Invest in Land for Maine’s Future program Legislators should approve a Land for Maine’s Future bond for the 2019 ballot. Land for Maine’s Future is a fantastic program, yet it hasn’t received bond funding for years. What are we waiting for?
6 years ago Prescription drug legislation signed On behalf of our 230,000 members statewide, AARP Maine applauds our state legislators and Gov. Mills for passing a strong package of bills to make prescription drugs more affordable and more accessible in Maine. Thousands of Mainers take prescription medications. For many, there is no alternative to alleviate crippling pain or manage chronic illnesses. For others, prescription drugs literally keep them alive. This legislative package could not come soon enough.
6 years ago Support bill for presidential Ranked Choice Voting A majority of Maine voters twice approved Ranked Choice Voting at the ballot box over the past several years. But, we still don’t have it for the 2020 presidential election. That’s because the Maine Legislature must act.
6 years ago Dear Monson artists On behalf of the citizens of Monson, I want to welcome you to the revitalized community of Monson on the shores of beautiful Lake Hebron. It is an honor and pleasure to have you as our guest. You are an asset to the community and economy.
6 years ago Biden’s plan of NRA destruction Battle lines are drawn. The NRA is the target du-jour of the litany of Democrat presidential candidates, vying for boldest denouncement of the millions of armed, peaceful and law-abiding citizens in America. Six million strong, this large sector of the American public is an easy target for these “bold” politicians to threaten fearlessly; after all, they are law-abiding.
6 years ago NECEC questions I have many questions regarding the power line to Boston, also known as the Central Maine Power corridor.
6 years ago Now is the time for ranked choice voting for president As we near the end of this current legislative session, it is crucial that we contact our district's House Representatives now to express support for LD 1083 “An Act To Implement Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Primary and General Elections in Main”' because right now is our last chance for such a bill, if passed any time in the next four weeks, to improve our voting system in Maine in time for the 2020 presidential election. Go online to http://legislature.maine.gov/house/house/ or call the House's Clerk's Office at 287-1400 to leave your message for your district representative.
6 years ago Congrats to Foxcroft Academy seniors On behalf of the citizens of Dover-Foxcroft and the surrounding communities, I would like to congratulate the senior class at Foxcroft Academy on their accomplishments. I also want to thank the boarding students for choosing Foxcroft Academy for your American education.
6 years ago Thank you fire departments Dear members of the Milo, Bowerbank and Sebec fire departments, we the members of the Three Rivers Kiwanis are sending this letter as a thank you and a well-earned pat on the back for the super job rescuing a racer in our annual Sebec River Canoe Race on May 18.
6 years ago Sons of Union Veterans remember origins of Memorial Day Memorial Day, Decoration Day, all one in the same. Originally May 30, 1868, a day set aside by the Grand Army of the Republic to decorate the graves of Civil War dead.
6 years ago Arbitrators of life and death The pulse of life. Heroic emergency workers will fight to try and save it. Medical advancements are made in a desperate search to heal and prolong its energy.
6 years ago Abbot Route 6/15 project cut Last Thursday, May 9 we received the terrible news that the $7.1 million highway reconstruction project scheduled to begin in Abbot has been pulled. My first reaction, perhaps like yours, is "why us -- how come we never get anything!" That is a natural reaction. In reality, these constructions decisions are made using set criteria.
6 years ago Thanks to Mayo employees for a delicious dinner On behalf of the community of Dover-Foxcroft and the surrounding communities, I want to thank the ladies of Mayo Regional Hospital for putting on a delicious dinner at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church Monday night, May 6. The meal and services were wonderful.