3 years ago
Ridge View Community School third trimester honor roll
Grade eight, high honors – habits of work: Jon Andrescu, Shealyn Bagley, Paige Jandreau, Taylor Michaud, Damiair Miller, Chloe Murdock, Annabelle Peakes, Caleb Pelkey, Casey Swenson, Abagail Trafton, and Bailey Turcotte; honors – habits of work: Ethan Addington, Ryan Hocking, Kallie Stone, and Lexi Wintle; high honors – academic: Jon Andrescu, Shealyn Bagley, Paige Jandreau, Chloe Murdock, Caleb Pelkey, Kallie Stone, and Baylee Turcotte; honors – academic: Abagail Trafton.
3 years ago
Maine Audubon annual Loon Count set for July 16
FALMOUTH — Did you know that loon chicks can swim right away but need parental care for their first three months? That the shape of a loon’s forehead or length of its neck can change to indicate stress? And that Maine is fortunate to be home to the largest Common Loon population in the Northeast? For nearly four decades, Maine Audubon has been studying loon behavior and engaging volunteers across Maine in conservation efforts to bolster the loon population.
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