
Maine Red Hot Dog Festival returns to Dexter on Saturday

Funding available for organizations that support LGBTQ+ Mainers

Cases of Lyme, other tick-borne disease surge again in Maine

UMaine Extension offers Master Gardener Volunteer training, plus two new programs

Watch for these signs that your well may be running dry during Maine’s drought

Penobscot County administrator is leaving after less than 2 years on the job

Wheels and Wings 2022 on Saturday

It’s going to be toasty at the end of this week

MaineCF grants available to support transportation programs

Maine religious leaders hope to stem drop in attendance

Maine needs nearly 6 inches of rain in the next month to end its drought

UMaine Extension Penobscot Livestock 4-H Club show and sale Aug. 5–6

Court system plans a ‘trial blitz’ to start clearing backlog but lawyers aren’t sure it will be enough

MaineCF grants available for arts initiatives

Day wins state InvestWrite competition

What a rare swing endorsement says about Maine’s big congressional race