
Dexter Regional High School students invited to relax, recharge, and explore during Mental Health Day

Wilson to receive honorary degree from Thomas College

Dexter Regional High School March Students of the Month

Northern Light Internal Medicine, Dexter welcomes Dr. Sardina, expands access to care

Lobbyist drops agreement with Penobscot County over ‘negative publicity

Partners for Peace gathering 50 stories of domestic violence

Penobscot County commissioner voted to give contract to his business associate

Penobscot County hires lobbyist to push for new jail and deputies

April is Donate Life Month

Five counties lag behind in broadband survey responses

Dexter Regional High School students to compete in Thomas Cup

Ridge View Community School second trimester honor roll

Positive Action Team Summit encourages students to build their best selves in schools and communities

Dexter Regional High School February Students of the Month

Maine State Police want to kill a bill that would add more Penobscot County sheriff’s deputies

PCSWCD Tree & Plant Sale opens