Federal cuts may reduce Center Theatre Drama Camps
The Children’s Summer Drama Camp, launched in 1999 before the Center Theatre building had even been renovated, is the theatre’s longest-standing program. Over the years, the drama camp has expanded to include programming in Dexter, Greenville, Milo and Monson as well as Dover-Foxcroft. However, because of cuts to the AmeriCorps Summer Vista Program, the theatre is currently only planning to have camps in Dover-Foxcroft, Monson and Greenville.
“We’ve been able to expand the camp because of the AmeriCorps Summer Vista program,” said Patrick Myers, the theatre’s executive director. “Last year, we hired nine people through the Vista Program to work for the summer, which meant we could have two or three staff supporting our camp director at each of our six camps. Without the AmeriCorps positions, we would have had to pay over $40,000 in salaries for that same amount of staffing.”

DRAMA CAMP — Campers enjoy some creative play at the Center Theatre Children’s Summer Drama Camp.
At a meeting with Goodwill of Northern New England, which administers the Vista Program in Maine, Myers was told that the program they had used the previous summer still technically existed, but that the program had been cut dramatically.
“Last year, the Vista members earned about $900 every two weeks and an educational award at the end of the term of about $1,800. The program this year has cut that biweekly stipend to zero,” Myers was told. “This just leaves an $1,800 education award for a summer job. Without those Vistas, we need to cut back on the number of camps and the number of campers that will be enrolled.”
In years past the theatre offered six camps around the region. This year, only four camps are scheduled due to funding cuts that will lead to fewer available Vista members. This means that more than 70 children may miss out on Summer Drama Camps this year. Total enrollment at each camp had been between 20 and 25 depending on where the camps were held. Myers said that this year they’ll need to cap the enrollment at 16.
“It’s both a question of program safety and program quality,” he said. “We want to make sure all the kids have a meaningful and safe experience, and with limited staff we have to limit the number of campers.”
Myers said that while volunteers can help at camp, they aren’t the solution to the problem. “We have had volunteer staff in the past and welcome the extra help, but we can’t increase enrollment at camp based on volunteers.”
Myers said the Center Theatre is currently fundraising for the camps, but has to make sure the four planned camps are fully funded before they can think about restarting the other two. “Right now, we’re putting all of our own resources and donations into making sure we can have the four scheduled camps in Dover, Monson and Greenville and that we can continue to offer them on a pay-what-you-can-basis so that everyone can attend,” he said.
Myers said that about $5,000 must be raised just to support the existing camps. After that, the Center Theatre would need to raise an additional $4,500 each to be able to restart the camps in Milo and Dexter.
“We’re very disappointed at having to cut back on the camps this year,” Myers said. “But in these uncertain times, we have to make sure the organization is sustainable in the long run. We won’t be able to serve anyone if we try to serve everyone.”
The four camps currently planned will take place at the East Sangerville Grange from June 16 through June 27, in Monson from July 7-18, Greenville from July 21 through August 1, and a final camp at the East Sangerville Grange Aug. 4-15.
The Summer Drama Camps are open to kids 6 to 13 years of age. Each camp will run from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays. During the camps, children learn about all aspects of making a play, from sets, costumes, and props to acting, improvisation and teamwork. Where possible, Center Theatre works with local summer meal programs to provide a free, healthy lunch to campers, and in some cases, breakfast, as well.
The Center Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to engage and inspire by making arts, education and entertainment accessible to our rural communities.
To register for camp or make a donation, visit centertheatre.org/drama-camps or call the theatre at 207-564-8943.