Legislative committee votes against bill to shorten coyote season
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff
A bill that would have eliminated year-round hunting of coyotes was voted ought-not-to-pass Monday afternoon, March 17 by the Legislature’s Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
LD716, An Act to Restrict the Hunting of Coyotes sponsored by Rep. Nina Milliken, D-Blue Hill, would have established a six-month hunting season from Oct. 1 through March 31, and impose a $500 fine and one-year license revocation for violations. The current fine is $50.
The bill was opposed by Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine Professional Guides and several others. Humane World for Animals, formerly The Humane Society of the United States, Maine Animal Coalition and Sierra Club Maine Chapter were among those who spoke in favor of it. John Glowa Sr. of the Maine Wolf Coalition testified neither for nor against the legislation.
There were 155 testimonies registered with the committee during a public hearing held March 3.
The bill also removed night hunting, but allowed the DIF&W commissioner to appoint agents to use artificial light to hunt coyotes at night from Sept. 1 to Dec. 15 in certain circumstances.
The committee voted unanimously ought-not-to-pass among the 11 members present.
This bill was similar to LD814, presented by Rep. Lynne Williams, D-Bar Harbor, during the 131st Legislature in 2023. The IF&W committee voted that that bill ought not to pass and it died.