
UMaine Extension to host backyard composting webinar

University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering an introduction to home composting webinar from 5:30-7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11 via Zoom.

In this workshop participants will learn the science behind compost formation, how to “feed” your compost pile, and how to use finished compost in the garden. Participants will also consider different styles of home composting, from traditional wooden bins to nimble tumblers. This workshop will help interested home composters find a system that’s right for them, whether they have a yard or a small back porch. Nick Rowley, UMaine Extension sustainable agriculture and horticulture professional, will lead the workshop along with Carrick Gambell, Extension urban agriculture professional.

Cost of the workshop is on a sliding scale from $0-15. Visit the program website ( to register by March 10. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Carrick Gambell at 207-691-1238 or

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