
21st Annual Chocolate Festival moved to Monday

What: The 21st Annual Chocolate Festival in Greenville organized by Destination Moosehead Lake.

When: Now Monday, Feb. 17 from 12-3 p.m. (Fast pass entry: 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.)

Where: Bartley’s Center Cove Events (new location) at 241 Pritham Avenue. in Greenville, Maine 04441

Why: Due to forecasted snowfall, the event has been postponed by 24 hours to ensure safe travel conditions.

Important Note: Please update your calendars with the new date and location for the 21st Annual Chocolate Festival.

For more information, visit the Destination Moosehead Lake event page.

The Maine Highlands promotes visitation in Penobscot and Piscataquis counties. At the heart of the majestic state of Maine, The Maine Highlands features the state’s highest peak, Katahdin; longest river, the Penobscot; and largest lake, Moosehead. In addition to these natural wonders, the region is also home to Maine’s third-largest city, Bangor, with easy access to major interstates and the Bangor International Airport. Located in the center of Maine, it’s a convergence of outdoor adventure, history and culture within a stunning natural amphitheater of mountains, lakes, and woods. To learn more, visit

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