12 Days of Gratitude Food Drive to fight youth food insecurity
GREENVILLE — More than 25 percent of children in Piscataquis County are food insecure, a figure that greatly exceeds the Maine average. To help address the problem, Northern Light CA Dean Hospital will once again partner with the Moosehead Lake Kiwanis Club to hold an employee and community food drive in the days leading up to Thanksgiving.
The 12 Days of Gratitude Food Drive, scheduled to take place through Nov. 25, will support the Kiwanis Club’s Backpack Program to fight youth hunger in the region.
Suggested items for donation include cereal, pancake mix/syrup, Jiffy muffin mix, peanut butter and jelly, soup, pasta and pasta sauce, applesauce, raisins, granola bars, microwave popcorn, crackers, Spaghetti Os, and canned veggies, chicken, tuna, chili, and baked beans.
The community is encouraged to support the drive by dropping off items at collection boxes at CA Dean Hospital, Northern Light Primary Care practices in Greenville, Monson, and Sangerville, and Indian Hill Trading Post.
“Putting food on the table is becoming more challenging for individuals and families in Greenville and the Moosehead Lake Region,” says Prudy Richards, a Kiwanian and organizer of the Backpack Program. “The food drive is a chance to make a difference right before the holiday season, when families may be vulnerable and can benefit the most from healthy, nutritious food.”
For more information about the Food Drive, please visit www.northernlighthealth.org/CADean. To learn more about the Moosehead Lake Kiwanis Club, please visit www.facebook.com/mooseheadlakekiwanis.