
A surgeon’s touch in the Legislature

To the Editor;

I am writing to support the candidacy of Dr. Richard Evans, who is running for the Maine Senate in Senate District 4.

I first became acquainted with Dr. Evans when he joined the medical staff of Mayo Regional Hospital, where I practiced orthopedic surgery. I had a chance to observe him closely, finding that he was not only an excellent surgeon, but also practiced very compassionate medicine. I believe that Dr. Evans would perform his role in the Maine Senate with the same detail and compassion he utilized in the practice of surgery.

First, when making a decision, he would listen in great detail to all sides of the issue, just as he did when practicing medicine. Then, he would accumulate all available facts about the issue, just as he obtained diagnostic studies and tests when evaluating a patient. Finally, only after obtaining the whole story and all available facts, he would come to a conclusion on the best solution, just as he did in making a diagnosis and formulating treatment with his patients and their families. This process leads to the best results, both in medical care and in legislating.

In addition, I think that Dr. Evans would become a leader in the Senate, just as he has been in the medical profession, where he performed in leadership roles on a local, state, and national level.

Therefore, I hope you join me in voting for Dr. Richard Evans, for the Maine State Senate in Senate District 4.

Richard B. Swett


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