
Hamlin running for Milo Select Board

To the Editor;

I am running for the Select Board of Milo as a write-in candidate and would appreciate the support of Milo voters when they go to the polls next month. Having been on the board for over a decade I hope to continue to serve my community after a years’ absence.

Born in Milo in 1952, I am a graduate of our school system and spent 35 years in education before my retirement in 2015. 

In my previous iterations on the board, I followed three simple rules: always speak to truth without equivocation, make every decision based on what is in the town’s best interest, and to never abstain from difficult votes unless there is a pecuniary issue. 

Milo, like most small rural towns, has many challenges, but we are a hardy lot. Those challenges range from high taxation, few employment opportunities, and low social-economic status. 

However, we are blessed with beautiful natural surroundings, pride of community, and generous and caring people. 

We need a cooperative effort from everyone in town, led by forward thinking individuals with a commitment to making our town an inviting, prosperous place in which to raise children. 

With that in mind, I ask that you consider writing my name in as a candidate for the Milo Select Board.

Thank you for your consideration

Tony Hamlin


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