Dexter firefighters quickly squelch fire in apartment house ceiling
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff
A fire that started in a ceiling light fixture in an apartment building on Center Street Saturday night was quickly squelched, according to the Dexter fire chief.
The fire was called in at 8:47 p.m. from 4 Center St. The fire had gone from the fixture into the ceiling, but firefighters were able to put it out with a fire extinguisher, Chief Matt Connor said Sunday.
“We didn’t even have to use water on it,” he said.
The building has two apartments in it. The fire was in the downstairs apartment. No one was injured.
Connor, who estimated damage to the building at $2,000, said he couldn’t stress enough the importance of having working smoke detectors. He did not know if they were working at the Center Street building, but he did not hear any, he said.
Fire department members were gathered for their annual holiday party when the call came in, so they were able to respond immediately, Connor said.
Firefighters returned to their festivities after the Center Street call, and in true community spirit, on Sunday they were taking some of the local children to go shopping and have lunch, Connor said.