
GFWC/Miosac Club news

    DOVER-FOXCROFT — Fifteen members of the GFWC/Miosac Club met at Thayer Parkway May 6 for the annual meeting. Members brought their own “brown bag” lunch to enjoy before the meeting as they looked at the current scrapbook that will be going to convention to be judged. Old pictures of club activities, rummage sales and birthday dinners of years ago were interesting to look at.
    In the absence of the president, Vice President Vicki Moschella opened the meeting thanking the hostesses, Elaine Larson and herself. Larson led the Collect, American’s Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Secretary Diane Leighton took roll call and read the minutes of the last meeting. Carol Kilpatrick gave the treasurer’s report. Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read two thank you notes from GFWC Maine President Anne Cress, thanking the club for putting on the reception in her honor. Cress was pleased with her reception and gifts she received. Sympathy and get well cards were signed.
    Several members indicated they would be attending GFWC Maine Convention at the Senator Inn in Augusta, May 8-9. Cress will be presiding over the convention and ending her two-year term.
    Discussion had a yard sale being held July 12 on Lincoln Street with rain date for the 19th. Members volunteered to serve on the committee to set up and do publicity. Members were reminded to price the items and McGlauflin will give a date as to when she will receive items.
    The Sebec Lake ice was reported to have gone out Sunday, May 4 at 4:45 p.m. Kilpatrick’s son, Todd Tufts, was the lucky winner of a $100 prize after guessing May 4 at 4:30 p.m. Over $400 was raised from the sale of tickets and will be used to carry on  yearly projects. The club thanks all who purchased tickets.
    Pat Jones volunteered to be community improvement chairman and Leighton and Barb Austin volunteered to be on the look out/calling committee. Jones and Minnie McCormick, the advisory committee. passed out forms asking for members’ input on programs and service projects to think about over the summer for 2014-15. Mae Thompson is also a member of that committee. A meeting will be held soon to work on the programs.
    The meeting was adjourned and the annual meeting was called to order. The yearly secretary’s report was given, followed by the treasurer’s report. Kilpatrick presented the budget which was passed as written by the budget committee. Jones gave the auditor’s report.
    Nominating Committee Chairman Austin presented the list of new members who were duly elected. Installation will be held at the next meeting.  Officers elected are as follows: President Moschella, Vice President Cress, Recording Secretary Cathie Goodine, Treasurer Kilpatrick, Corresponding Secretary McGlauflin and Auditor Jones.
    The next meeting will be the 78th birthday dinner to be held at The Other Room  on Wednesday, May 21. Installation of officers will take place following dinner. The club will be in recess for the summer.

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