Route 11 project scheduled for later in the year
MILO — A project to repave Route 11 from the Main Street bridge to the Brownville town line is expected to go to construction in June.
The work will include a mill and fill from the bridge to — as close as financially possible — to the railroad tracks just beyond the Eastern Piscataquis Business Park, with full width surface grinding and repaving and striping. The remainder of Route 11 will be repaved with a 1.5-inch overlay.
The installation of a turn lane for the business park from the property line of the Mayo Medical Center to the Gerrish Drive (the park access road) is also part of the project. Initial work includes the replacement of culverts and catch basins, height adjustments to sewer manholes and water valves, along with other non-pavement repairs.
The construction period is expected to begin as early as possible in June, with contract completion scheduled for Aug. 31. The mill and fill and paving is set for July and/or August, followed by the striping in mid- to late August.