
PVAEC Adult Education announces fall CNA program

DEXTER — Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative (PVAEC) is currently accepting applications for the upcoming Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program. This program is scheduled to begin in early November. The program is held at the Dexter Learning Center at the Millworks Building and other area healthcare facilities.

CNAs are caregivers who provide patients with assistance with activities of daily living and basic needs. CNAs are needed now more than ever, and that need is projected to grow rapidly here in Maine. Start your career in the healthcare field with PVAEC Adult Education. The application process is time sensitive, so contact us soon for more information. Candidates must present a high school diploma or GED/HiSET. Enrollment is limited to 10 students, and there are very few seats available. A non-refundable $50 application fee is required. The cost of the class is $1,100 which includes tuition, textbook, State of Maine Background Check and state board exam. Financial assistance is available to qualifying individuals.

For more information or to apply, please contact PVAEC Assistant Director, Eve Salley at 207-564-5884 or email

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