Contributed photo
PAIR OF BEARS -- Twin sisters Abbey, left, and Brylee Ricker shot bears within 25 minutes of each other on Sept. 1 in Wellington. The 15-year-olds are sophomores at Piscataquis Community Secondary School.
Contributed photo
PAIR OF BEARS -- Twin sisters Abbey, left, and Brylee Ricker shot bears within 25 minutes of each other on Sept. 1 in Wellington. The 15-year-olds are sophomores at Piscataquis Community Secondary School.
Two bears for two sisters
Contributed, Special to the Piscataquis Observer •September 2, 2020
Contributed photoPAIR OF BEARS — Twin sisters Abbey, left, and Brylee Ricker shot bears within 25 minutes of each other on Sept. 1 in Wellington.
Contributed photo
PAIR OF BEARS — Twin sisters Abbey, left, and Brylee Ricker shot bears within 25 minutes of each other on Sept. 1 in Wellington. The 15-year-olds are sophomores at Piscataquis Community Secondary School.
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