Five hearings set for meeting
Staff Report
DEXTER — The Feb. 13 Dexter Town Council meeting agenda includes five public hearings, but only three are expected to generate much comment.
Two proposals are transfers from the town’s undesignated fund account to the cemetery supervisor and animal control accounts.
The first public hearing will be on a proposal to change the town office work schedule to 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. The current hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The resolution cites the increased use of the Internet for many town functions including renewals of vehicle registrations and purchasing or renewing fishing and hunting licenses
The ordinance also states that the town office staff needs “down” time to maintain and process reports, correspondence and take in-house training.
The second ordinance would dissolve the Dexter Municipal Golf Course Board of Directors, basically due to the board’s inactivity. The nine-hole course is leased to Jim Costideo, who oversees the day-to-day operation of the course.
The board of directors is charged with working with the operator to address programs, funding and other issues, but has been largely inactive for the past few years.
The third ordinance would authorize the town council to raise the price of cemetery lots, burials and perpetual care. The hikes would be significant — in some cases, double the current rate — but supporters say that the rates have not been raised in 20 years.
The full text of all the ordinances is posted at