Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom GENTLEMEN, START YOUR CHAINSAWS -- Competition announcer Stuart Hall introduces the five entrants in the 21st annual regional Game of Logging on Aug. 8 at the Greenville school grounds, held in conjunction with the Forest Heritage Days celebration. From left is Hall, Jeremy Grignon, Tom Fox, John Grignon, Tyler McIntosh and Paul Cyr. Fox earned the highest score of the day with his 274 points besting second place by 34 points.
Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom GENTLEMEN, START YOUR CHAINSAWS -- Competition announcer Stuart Hall introduces the five entrants in the 21st annual regional Game of Logging on Aug. 8 at the Greenville school grounds, held in conjunction with the Forest Heritage Days celebration. From left is Hall, Jeremy Grignon, Tom Fox, John Grignon, Tyler McIntosh and Paul Cyr. Fox earned the highest score of the day with his 274 points besting second place by 34 points.
Maine Forest Heritage Days postponed until 2021
The 29th annual Maine Forest Heritage Days scheduled for Aug. 6-9 has been canceled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event is scheduled to return Aug. 12-15, 2021 at the Greenville Consolidated School campus.
GREENVILLE — The 29th annual Maine Forest Heritage Days scheduled for Aug. 6-9 has been canceled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event is scheduled to return Aug. 12-15, 2021 at the Greenville Consolidated School campus.
The weekend has included a bus tour through Maine’s working forest, a craft fair, carriage rides, chainsaw carving, a woodsman demonstration featuring chopping and ax throwing and the regional Game of Logging competition.
More information can be found at forestheritagedays.org or the Maine Forest Heritage Days Facebook page.
Maine Forest Heritage Days is an annual community event that honors the state’s most historic industry. The forest products industry has been a staple in Maine for generations and provides an annual economic impact of $8 billion, employs one in 20 Mainers and contributes 28.9 percent of all state exports. Previously each year since 1991, families and community members gathered to celebrate this vibrant industry with several days of forestry fun.
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