Dover-Foxcroft women’s club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC)/Miosac Club met at Thayer Parkway Nov. 5 for a whirlwind tour of Italy. President Suzanne Raymond called the meeting to order and Betsey Ryan led the Club Collect, American’s Creed and Pledge of Allegiance.
Recording Secretary Diane Leighton took roll call with 15 members responded to the question, “Do you like the time changes twice a year?” Thirteen members said no and two kind of liked it. Can we get some action on that now?
Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read a note from Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis regarding the Community Christmas. Treasurer Anne Cress gave her report and noted the amount the club earned on the community directory ads. McGlauflin thanked all the members for the work they did for the ads.
Advisory Chairman Brenda Quiet noted the next meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 19 with Cress as program chairman and Vicki Moschella and Tami Cox as hostess and co-hostess.
Look Out and Publicity Chairman Minnie McCormick noted she did not know of any illnesses. Quiet spoke about one member not feeling well and urged members to call or send cards. McCormick noted the news of the last meeting was in the Piscataquis Observer.
Dot Tonick gave a report of fall conference that four members attended.
Under unfinished business money for the Kiwanis Project was collected. The elves will be shopping in early December.
Under new business, Raymond mentioned one of the grand initiatives of the GFWC president was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. She suggested the school do something at school to honor the holiday. She volunteered to be chairman and several members agreed to read a Dr. Seuss book on designated days. The child will receive the book read to fulfill the initiative.
The next item of business was what the club is doing for the food cupboard. Members were asked to bring diapers and wipes to the next meeting, so not to have to bring them to the Christmas party. There is also a need for hats and mittens which the club will try to fill.
Following the meeting, Barb Austin gave a wonderful account of her trip to Italy. She showed slides of Venice, Florence and Rome. The old buildings, mosaics, churches are all so beautiful. It was a wonderful trip and all thanked Austin for sharing as most will not see it firsthand..
Following the whirlwind tour, delicious refreshments were served by hostesses Ryan and Wendy Hutchins. Hutchins decorated the table with wine glasses filled with bread sticks, black grapes and Italian oil.
The next meeting Nov. 19 will include Libby Weirs, Northern District president. Weirs is very interested in the Suffragist Movement and will speak on the topic. She gave a report and slide show at fall conference — more on that after the next meeting.