RSU 68 officials readying for start of classes
DOVER-FOXCROFT — Less than three weeks before students return on Tuesday, Aug 27 summer programs are winding down and preparations are being made for the start of classes, RSU 68 school board members learned during a meeting on Aug. 6 at the SeDoMoCha School.
“The breakfast and lunch program this summer is amazing,” Principal Adam Gudroe said. “There’s lots of opportunity for our students to participate.”
The program runs for another week as Monday to Friday any child under age 18 can partake in a free breakfast from 8-9 a.m. as well as lunch from 11 a.m. to noon at the SeDoMoCha School. Gudroe said new in 2019 at the meals is the “Take what you need boutique” providing free clothing items.
Gudroe thanked Food Service Manager Heather Whitten and staff for all their hard work with the summer meals program.
“In 2018 for breakfast we served 1,145 meals, to date, as of Friday, we have served 1,386,” Superintendent Stacy Shorey said. “For lunches in 2018 we served 3,921 and so far this year we have served 4,626.”
In his report Gudroe said at the current time projected enrollment numbers are 342 on the elementary side of the building and 328 pupils for SeDoMoCha Middle School. He said there is “the potential of 20 other packets out there to be filled out.”
Should all 20 of these students enroll then the enrollment total would be 690, nearly identical to the 688 at the close of 2018-19. Gudroe said the incoming kindergarten class is not as large as last year’s eighth grade.
Shorey reported that the Tri-County Technical Center in Dexter has received an additional $142,000 in state funding. “So they’re going to use that to reinstate one of the CNA programs,” she said, saying the two sessions have usually been full.
The superintendent said Fred Maddocks has been appointed as the girls B team soccer coach. Shorey said the boys A team position is the last to be filled for the fall season, “They are interviewing and we should have someone real soon.”
“And we are looking forward to the new school year, we have a full roster minus a few positions,” Shorey added about the teaching staff.