
Greenville Union Church adult Bible study is open and offered to all

GREENVILLE — Have you ever wondered about why God chose certain people to carry out the holy work of his kingdom? If so, then this adult biblical study is for you. God chose ordinary, common people like you and I to be disciples, heroes and influential women in the plan of redemption and salvation. These are fascinating people whose stories are woven through history and the Bible; unnervingly real – they faltered, they struggled, and at times fell short. They show us God at work in unexpected ways and in numerous cultures, each revealing another little piece of God’s great plan.

The great heroes of the Bible are not fairytales. The 12 disciples were not saints, or scholars or religious sages – just ordinary men with common lives and professions, and yet they were used in God’s work in mighty powerful ways. Likewise, there were women who we celebrate for their courage, vision, hospitality, and spiritual giftedness that were so important to help accomplish God’s purposes. In studying these unlikely men and women, it becomes clear how their dramatic stories apply to us today.

Beginning on Wednesday, May 1 at 11 a.m. in the Union Church Fellowship Hall we will hold our first hour-long study. The program is designed so that a new character will be studied each week, so if you need to miss a study along the way you will not be left behind. Bring your Bible if you have one … if not, no problem. Bring your lunch if this happens to be your break from work. You do not need to be a regular church goer to take part in this study … and if you attend another church but think this study may be of interest to you please feel free to join us.

Any questions, you may reach Rev. Genise Stern at 712-6605.

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