
Ryan Harlow Limoges

Guilford, Ryan Harlow Limoges, on April 17, 2019 went to be with his father in heaven. He was enjoyed by everyone for 37 happy years watching him tend his animals on the farm.
Born in Columbus, Ohio on September 16, 1981 and adopted by his parents Mary and Francis November 1981. Ryan is survived by his Mother, 2 brothers, Chuck, Derrick, 3 sisters Claudie, Latoya and Brie. Several nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins. Special friend John McKusick.
He was predeceased by his Father and grandmother Thelma Harlow.
A celebration of Ryan’s life will be held May 4, 2019 at Guilford Center Grange from 1-4. In lieu of flowers a donation to help defer the medical and funeral cost will be greatly appreciated.

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