Larry A. Pratt
Guilford – Larry A. Pratt, 48, passed away April 27, 2017, at his home. He was born June 24, 1968, in Dexter. Larry enjoyed being outdoors and especially enjoyed hunting and fishing. He was an extremely talented carpenter. Larry’s family was most important to him; he was a loving son, father, and brother.
Larry is survived by his parents, Doug and Dawn Pratt; a son, Bronson Pratt; a step-daughter, Brooklyn Sprague; a brother, Scott Pratt; a sister, Selena Fogg; and many aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.
A graveside service at the family lot in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Dexter, will be held at a later date. Arrangements are in the care of the Lary Funeral Home, Guilford. Condolences may be expressed at
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