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Public can weigh in on proposed Greenville zoning changes

GREENVILLE — For several months the Greenville Planning Board has been considering several zoning changes to allow some properties to be used for different purposes than are currently permitted. These include some parcels going from the commercial industrial zone to the adjacent village zone and reclassifying a portion of the Hammond Lumber property to allow for the construction of a large storage building.

Any zoning changes would be done with amendments to the land use ordinance via a town meeting vote, if first approved by the select board. Before this there would be a public hearing, and the planning board has a session scheduled for 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2 prior to the next regular meeting.

During a March 19 meeting Chair Chair John Contreni said Code Enforcement Officer Ron Sarol put together packets on the zone changes and the related effects.

“It is quite drastic what will be allowed in that area vs. what was,” Sarol said.

The village zone allows for housing as well as some more commercial ventures. Most of the listed commercial industrial zone parcels that would be changed are along the Greenville Steam Road and some of these landowners would like to build homes.

In the village zone, single and multifamily dwellings are permitted but mobile home parks are not. The zoning change could boost housing opportunities in Greenville while not limiting business, as the zone also allows for retail sales such as a convenience store or restaurant.

“Our consensus was to increase the housing stock in town,” Contreni said.

Sarol said Hammond Lumber would like to construct a large storage building to keep items out of the weather. Reclassifying part of the property from the downtown 2 to village commercial zone would allow the business to build a structure over 5,000 square feet while still maintaining some open space.

In other business, the planning board continued its discussion on a property maintenance/dangerous building ordinance. The board is looking to combine the two into one ordinance and Contreni will write a draft from the documents already in hand for the next meeting for further review.

Planning board members looked at examples of property maintenance ordinances from other towns, including Anson and Paris with similar populations to Greenville and the larger community of Oxford.

Alternate planning board member Don Hodapp wondered what would happen if a dangerous building was occupied and would the town then have a liability. These can include a dwelling deemed unsanitary or with unsafe health conditions.

DHHS would be called in this situation, Sarol said.

“If this is going to be an ordinance we should run it by legal,” Contreni said to make sure there is nothing omitted. He said a dangerous building is defined in state statute.

At the last select board meeting Contreni presented on proposed amendments to the land use ordinance that can change how far away a structure must be from the property lines in certain sections of town provided certain criteria has been met.

After the session an additional amendment was made with the setback for primary dwellings going to 5 feet instead of the proposed 10 feet.

In his report Sarol said he talked with several Maine Forest Service officers as the agency is considering tearing down its building at 43 Lakeview Street. The aging structure is on stilts with no foundation. 

The building also houses the Moosehead Region Land Use Planning Commission office so potentially it could be replaced to house both agencies. Sarol will keep the planning board informed.

A permit is pending for a possible new commercial building at the corner of Eveleth Street and the Moosehead Lake Road. Sarol said the plan would have the existing structure be torn down. 

A question was asked about a property next to the Shaw Public Library and this will become a doggie daycare, Sarol said.

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