
Friends of Community Fitness receives $25,000 match challenge to secure future of community center

GUILFORD — Friends of Community Fitness is thrilled to announce an incredible opportunity to strengthen the future of the community center. A generous donor has offered a $25,000 match  challenge to support the organization’s endowment savings.

With $13,000 already saved, Community Fitness is now working diligently to raise an additional $12,000  before July 1 to take full advantage of this matching opportunity. If successful, the challenge will result  in a total of $50,000 to launch the organization’s endowment fund. 

“This is an amazing opportunity for our organization and the people we serve, and we are calling on our  community to help us meet the challenge.” said Britney Gallagher, executive director of Friends of  Community Fitness. 

Photo courtesy of Friends of Community Fitness
MATCH CHALLENGE — Friends of Community Fitness of Guilford is in the midst of a match challenge, seeking to raise $25,000 to match another $25,000 offered by a donor to support the organization’s endowment savings.

The endowment will provide long-term financial security, ensuring that Community Fitness can continue  offering vital health and wellness programs for years to come. 

Community members and supporters are encouraged to contribute and help unlock the full match  before the July 1 deadline. Donations can be made online at, in person at  Community Fitness or mailed to Friends of Community Fitness 31 High Street, Ste A, Guilford, ME 04443. 

For more information on how to support this initiative, please contact Gallagher at or call 207-876-4813. 

Friends of Community Fitness in Guilford is a nonprofit fitness and community center. We promote a  healthy lifestyle through providing various forms of physical exercise, social, and educational opportunities  for people of all ages & financial means.  

Our senior programs include yoga, SilverSneakers, pickleball, day trips, luncheons, and more. Our youth  programs include free homeschool open gym, Tae Kwon Do, pickup basketball, flag football, and  supervised hours for teens. We offer event rental space and group fitness classes are available seven days a  week. As a 24/7 facility with multiple weight, cardio and classrooms, Community Fitness is excited to  have a program suited for everyone in the community!

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