
Remembering community spirit

To the Editor;

My spouse Judy and I were in Dover-Foxcroft on Feb. 12 to help congratulate Dave Albee on the launch of his new book about the championship Foxcroft Academy 1975 basketball team. As a reporter for the Piscataquis Observer, Dave documented in real time the drive to the state championship.

It was a great story and Dave now has created an exceptional book about the people and events surrounding the story, “The Last One Out of Town, Turn Out The Lights.”

Prior to the book’s launch at the Center Theater, we enjoyed a dinner break at Pat’s Pizza. When we asked for the check, we learned that someone had anonymously paid our dinner bill. It was a remarkable gesture that reminded me of the community’s generous spirit and public acts of kindness I reported nearly every day of the 10 years I was at the Observer. I am grateful for the reminder – and the dinner.  If only I could say as much in person.

Jim Thompson


Note: Thompson is former editor and publisher of the Piscataquis Observer

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