SAM’s proud legacy
By V. Paul Reynolds
This year marks the 50th anniversary of SAM, the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. During its half century of existence, SAM has been a steady, reliable, and potent voice for Maine sportsmen. As pointed out in the SAM News, the organization was started by a group of concerned state sportsmen who saw the need for a political voice for Maine gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen. An anti-hunting hit piece by CBS news, titled “The Guns of Autumn”, reportedly was the spark for the birth of SAM.
Among the founders of SAM were Dr. Alonzo Garcelon, Oscar Cronk, Maynard Connors, Ed Armstrong, and a number of others.
This call to arms by SAM had its beginning at a gathering of sportsmen at the Augusta Armory in 1975. By December of 1976, SAM had a membership of 4,000 sportsmen! At that time the driving force, or the impetus, for supporting SAM was a concern from hunters that their gun rights were in jeopardy.
Over the years, there have been dozens of sportsmen’s causes that SAM has championed with skill and competency. Among the most high profile latter day issues in which SAM has spoken for the sportsmen have been the Yellow Flag Law, the bear referendum, and the acquisition and protection of deer wintering areas.
Throughout the years there have been many attempts at the legislative level to impose legal initiatives that were clear threats to our hunting traditions and longstanding rights as sportsmen. Last year’s attempt by misguided urban legislators from southern Maine to impose an outright ban of coyote hunting is a case in point.
As sportsmen, SAM is our watchdog in Augusta, always there, always vigilant, and always offering testimony that is not only compelling, but well researched and representative of the views of SAM’s membership.
SAM is currently joining forces with the Gun Owners of Maine and the National Shooting Sports Association and filing a legal challenge to Maine’s unconstitutional 72-hour waiting period law for gun purchases. Representing SAM in this litigation is highly respected constitutional lawyer Paul Clemente from Alexandria, Virginia. According to the SAM News, this case, which has national implications, could be heard in Bangor federal court as early as February.
It is axiomatic that, when it comes to heading off legislation in Augusta that is not friendly to Maine sportsmen, there is undeniable strength in numbers. SAM members have been fortunate to have had skilled and savvy executive directors during this 50-year history. Current Executive Director David Trahan has shown himself to be a pragmatic and value-driven leader who knows how to identify with sportsmen and work effectively with state lawmakers as well. When all is said and done, though, any director of SAM is only as effective as the size of his organization. SAM’s founder and first president, Dr. Alonzo Garcelon, said it well, back in 1975, “If you want SAM, and you need SAM, then you have got to do something. You have to participate in this effort to establish an outlet that will speak with authority … so I am asking each and every one of you to sign up at least three new people.”
If you are a Maine sportsman and you don’t belong to SAM, please reconsider. Joining is your way to help safeguard our hunting legacy and our gun rights.
The author is editor of the Northwoods Sporting Journal. He is also a Maine Guide and host of a weekly radio program “Maine Outdoors” heard Sundays at 7 p.m. on The Voice of Maine News-Talk Network. He has authored three books. Online purchase information is available at www.sportingjournal.com.