Maine credit unions reach new milestone raising $1.3M to end hunger
WESTBROOK — Credit union representatives gathered in Freeport on Feb. 10 to unveil the fundraising results of their collaborative Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger. At a special ceremony hosted by the Maine Credit Union League, the Campaign announced that it raised $1,303,706.40 in food and monetary donations in 2024. This achievement marks a new fundraising milestone for the Campaign, now celebrating its 35th year of fighting hunger in Maine in 2025.
“Hunger touches every corner of our state, impacting individuals both young and old,” shared Elise Baldacci, president of the Maine Credit Union League. “As an industry driven by a shared mission of People Helping People, credit unions are deeply committed to solving this problem — offering their time, talent, and resources to address our state’s meal gap. Their unwavering support to end hunger in Maine is clearly demonstrated by these remarkable fundraising results.”

ENDING HUNGER — The 2024 Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger raised over $1.3 million in food and monetary donations. Maine Credit Union League staff, from left, President Elise Baldacci, Outreach Coordinator Lauren Simonds, and Vice President of Outreach & Strategic Initiatives Jen Burke.
Funds raised through Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger remain in Maine and directly support local organizations such as food banks, pantries, healthcare programs, schools, colleges, and meal sites. In 2024, the Campaign provided financial relief to 274 organizations.
“Credit unions see hunger in their communities, and they understand the struggles many individuals and families face when it comes to putting nutritious meals on their table,” offered Jen Burke, vice president of outreach & strategic initiatives at the Maine Credit Union League. “I am deeply proud to work in a movement that is committed to improving the lives of those they serve, whether that’s offering financial counsel, safe products and services, or a path to obtaining the food they need to thrive.”
The event included remarks from Matthew Martin, development coordinator with EndHungerNE. Martin’s organization and its dedicated team of volunteers work across New England ― including Maine — to pack healthy meals for individuals and families facing food insecurity. Additionally, the Campaign for Ending Hunger presented Full Plates Full Potential, Good Shepherd Food Bank, the Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Community Cupboard, and the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital each with a check for $5,000 to support their efforts to combat hunger.
“Since the Campaign’s inception in 1990, Maine credit unions have contributed over $14.9 million to help feed our neighbors in need,” added Baldacci. “With fundraising efforts already underway for 2025, I know our industry will continue making a meaningful impact, taking on this challenge with drive, passion, and determination.”
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all contributions to the Campaign are tax-deductible. You do not need to be a member of a local credit union to donate to the Campaign.
The Maine Credit Union League is a nonprofit, professional trade association that exists to serve Maine’s credit unions. Founded in 1938, the League’s mission is to help credit unions succeed and improve the financial lives of their members. As the trade association for Maine’s credit unions, the League provides advocacy, education, and other resources designed to assist credit unions in meeting the needs of their membership. For more information, visit www.mainecul.org.