Three graduate from Northern Light CA Dean Hospital CNA course
GREENVILLE — Northern Light CA Dean Hospital is pleased to announce that Anthony Squeglia, Lileighanne Miller, and Amy Breton graduated from its recent certified nursing assistant training program. The graduates were recognized in front of hospital leaders and staff at a ceremony held on Feb. 5 at CA Dean Hospital.
Certified nursing assistants are vital members of the care team supporting both patients and nurses. CNA duties include taking vital signs, documenting, transporting, and providing basic care and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing and feeding.

CNA GRADS — CNA course graduates, from left, Anthony Squeglia, Lileighanne Miller, and Amy Breton.
“CNAs play such an important role in patient care, and it’s exciting to add more skilled, compassionate professionals to the CA Dean team. I’ve been impressed with this group’s dedication. Nobody missed a day of training. They like to learn, had lots of questions, and supported each other. They are well prepared to begin their careers as CNAs, and I wish them the very best moving forward,” says Nikki Chadwick, RN, MSN, CPHQ, vice president of Education and Preparedness.
The CNA program, offered in collaboration with AR Gould Hospital and SAD 1 Adult & Community Education, provided training at no cost and students were paid for time spent learning in the classroom and hospital. Program graduates transition into full-time employment at Northern Light Health after passing the CNA state exam.