Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
PCHS BOYS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Chase Lander, Layden Parrish, Noah Kain, Jacob Knowles, Keith Parrish, and Gavyn Gilbert. Back, coach Dustin Lander, Brady Gaw, Conrad Rollins, and head coach Brian Gaw. Not pictured, Ezra Thomas.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
PCHS BOYS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Chase Lander, Layden Parrish, Noah Kain, Jacob Knowles, Keith Parrish, and Gavyn Gilbert. Back, coach Dustin Lander, Brady Gaw, Conrad Rollins, and head coach Brian Gaw. Not pictured, Ezra Thomas.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden PhotographyPCHS BOYS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Chase Lander, Layden Parrish, Noah Kain, Jacob Knowles, Keith Parrish, and Gavyn Gilbert. Back, coach Dustin Lander, Brady Gaw, Conrad Rollins, and head coach Brian Gaw.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography PCHS BOYS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Chase Lander, Layden Parrish, Noah Kain, Jacob Knowles, Keith Parrish, and Gavyn Gilbert. Back, coach Dustin Lander, Brady Gaw, Conrad Rollins, and head coach Brian Gaw. Not pictured, Ezra Thomas.Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography PCHS GIRLS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Breelyn Gaw, Hope Hunt, Reese Starbird, Brookie Hunt, Macie Littlefield, and Alivia Koscielny. Back, head coach Jessica Bell, Ava Goulette, Lily Boutilier, and coach Jenifer Goulette. Not pictured, Ella Zellar. Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography PCHS INDOOR TRACK — Front, from left, Sadie Kelley, Baylynn Grant, Timothy MacNeil, Ava Goulette, Ava Edes, Haylee Marshall. Back, head coach Tom Panciera, Judith Janssen, Noah Kain, Phoenix Brown, and coach Nate Knight.Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography PCHS WRESTLING — Front, from left, Shelby Grant, Caleb Littlefield, Jayden Spack, and Karrigan Wilson. Back, Wyatt Johnson and David Tuttle.
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