
Dexter Regional High School winter sports teams

Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
DEXTER BOYS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Ryan Farnsworth, Bodhi Langlais, Bryce Cooper, Trevor Picariello, and Jeremey Saine Jr. Middle, William Simpson, Jason Bowden, Cole Doherty, and Jacoby Pratt. Back, Kody Kimball, Ethan Doherty, and Isiah Robinson.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
DEXTER GIRLS BASKETBALL — Front, from left, Jazmin Channon, Kallie Stone, Brookelin Dorman, Annabelle Peakes, Mellesse Grant, Maddisyn Davis, and Abilene Corson, Back, Ella McClintock-Hatch, Carley Coffman, Hannah Derosier, Kaitlyn Cookson, Desiree Adams, and Kayleigh Dunton.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
DEXTER CHEER — Front, from left, Adriana Sibert, Andrea Gilman, Kenzie Kimball, Izzie Roberts, Kenzie Curtis, and Riley Curtis. Back, Alyssa Rivas, Madison LaGross, Shelby Sinclair, Bree Robbins, and Abagail Trafton.
Photo courtesy of Eric Ogden Photography
DEXTER WRESTLING — Front, from left, Alexandra Flagg, Landan Adams, Autumn Householder, Anna Maria Neal, Noah Woodruff, Mathew Severance, Madison Thomas, and Waverly Rich. Middle, Skighler Woodard, Wyatt Cram, Mason Fogg, Quentin Rich, Landen Gustin, Marley Russ, and Damiair Miller. Back, Callie Cox, Aedyn Goodell, Tanner Ladd, and Evelyn Young.

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